chapter 20:the end

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Narrator POV

The morning came and Sweeney made his way out the house. He locked the door behind him and made his way to his work. D/n saw this and he kicked John awake. John groaned awake and it made Andrei wake up as well.

"Ow, why did you do that?" Asked John rubbing his shoulder because that's where D/n kicked him.

"Because, he's gone. Now come on." Said D/n walking away from him and towards the house.

John quickly got up and rushed over to D/n. D/n started to picklock the door. John was shocked that D/n could picklock.

"You know how to picklock?" Asked John softly so only D/n could. D/n hummed a soft, yes. After some time he finally got it open. He barged into the home and quickly looked around.

John followed inside and looked around. He then closed the door behind him. D/n called Andrei over and he crouched down. He grabbed something out his pocket. It was a ribbon. It was y/n's ribbon that he collect back at home. Andrei smelled it. He could smell  D/n scent and he could also smell your scent. He then smelled around the room. He walked over to a door. He stopped and barked at it. D/n walked over to Andrei and petted his head. Andrei stopped barking. D/n grabbed the handle and twisted it. It was locked. D/n started to bang on the door with all his might.

Your POV

I was woken up by barking. I got up and started to get anxious. I suddenly heard down the stairs that someone was banging on the door that was down stairs. Lifted myself up and I got out of the bed. I suddenly heard the door break down. I froze and didn't know what to do. I then heard footsteps run up the stairs and I heard barking.

"Y/n!?" Shouted a familiar voice. It can't be, can it? No he's dead there's no way he's, alive.

"Father! Father!" I shouted my hope rising inside of me.

I opened the door and ran to the stairs. I then stopped when I saw my father. He looked up at me and smiled. He ran up the stairs and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"I thought you were dead." I said through tears.

"I know, I know." He said crying as well. We then separated and I looked behind him. I saw John and Andrei. I looked at them shocked but I then smiled. I walked down the stairs and hugged John. After a few seconds he hugged me back.

We separated and I looked down. Andrei had his tongue out and he looked very happy. He jumped onto me which made me laugh lightly. I crouched down and hugged him. I then separated and petted his head. I then got up.

"You don't stay dead, do you?" Asked a voice which made me freeze. I saw John turn and I saw Sweeney.

"Thought you were dead for sure. But no. You laugh at the face death." Sweeney said slowly going up the steps.

"I don't laugh at the face of death, I fear death, I respect death and I accept death." Said father grabbing my hand and pushing me behind him. I had to take a step up.

"Well, someone disagrees with you accepting death." Sweeney said getting closer to D/n.

"You're right, my vengeance is disagreeing with me accepting death." D/n said and he suddenly saw Sweeney swing his arm.

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