chapter 5

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(This chapter will sadly contain rape but i will make a warning sign like this ⚠️when that part starts and ends so you can skip that part and still continue reading this chapter so please if you feel uncomfortable or had trauma please skip that part and i'll try to not write it detailed)

Your pov

I was looking around judge turpins house i saw a closed door and decided to knock

"Come in!"

Shouted a polite voice sorry i enter the room

"Sorry for interrupting i was just looking around and i thought i was alone im really sorry"

I was about to leave

"No wait!it's completely fine"

She said smiling i smiled back

"You must be my caretakers new fiance"

I looked at the floor and nodded

"I always wanted a female caretaker"

I looked at her smiling

"How did turpin become your caretaker?"

"I don't know he never told me"

She said looking away

"Im sorry for asking i didn't reali-"

"It's fine don't worry"

I smiled

"Whats your name?"

I asked

"My name is Johanna yours?"


"Thats's a pretty name"

"Thank you but yours is better"

"No yours is"

I laughed lightly she laughed with me

"Well both of our names are beautiful"

I said smiling she smiled back we then saw judge turpin come back i said goodbye to johanna and went back to my room


I was looking out the window seeing all the people walking some children running playing games i then spotted a familiar face it was the man from the barber shop

Sweeney's is his name right? I can still remember the way he stared into my soul it creeped me out i then looked away i continued looking at the people but sweeney was always in my view I then heard a knock on the door i looked at it

"Come in!"

The person entered and it was judge turpins assistant i don't know his name tho i neber asked or he never told me

"Mr.turpin wants to see you"

I stood up and followed him he led me to a office he opened the door and made way for me to enter

I walked into the room and heard the door close behind me i turned to the door but it was closed

"Come closer my dear"

I didn't move at all he stood up and walked closer to me i backed up till i felt the wall


3rd pov

"You are a really beautiful young woman"

He said putting his hand  tightly then fear shot threw me

"I-i am flattered judge turpin"

He stared down at my body making me uncomfortable

"We are to be wed soon and i must wait but i can't"

I got confused and scared he then pinned me in the wall and started to kiss me shocking me while he was kissing me he then ripped my dress

I tried to push him away but he was sadly stronger then me he then threw me on the floor tables and glass falling in the process

He then took off his pants and then started to rip my clothes till i was exposed i tried to scream for help but he covered my mouth

My chest started to beat fast he then entered me making me scream out in oain but i didn't make any loud sound

I struggled between him but he was to heavy after what feels like forever he came



Judge turpin was gone he was by appointment or case giving me a chance to escape threw the window i qas really look that my room was a t the bottom giving me a easir way to escape

I opened the window and climbed threw it and i escaped succesfully but i had no where to go but i had an idea so i ran to the barber shop..

Yandere Sweeney Todd x readerWhere stories live. Discover now