chapter 14

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Your POV

We made it to France and we moved to a small house it was nice and cosy and mother send our butler's off so they can live their life which made them glad and they left. Luckily for us the house still had furniture and such things and they had beds but they only needed bed sheets and blankets and a pillow which me and mother can buy. So we made our way to the market and we looked threw it in search of food and such. I looked around while mother was looking at some sheets. I picked up a necklace and looked at it and smiled as it blinged in the sun.

"It would look stunning on you"said a man making me turn to man.

When I looked at him I felt my heart start to beat and felt a bit of heat on my cheeks. He had black hair that reached his neck, he had green eyes that shined in the sun,he had a strong jaw to,he also had a small beard that didn't show much and he also had this innocent look in his eyes that made my heart melt.

"Sorry I wasn't thinking,I didn't mean to say it out loud"he said shaking his head a bit.

"It's quite alright"I said smiling lightly.

I then put the necklace down.

"But I won't be able to buy it"I said.

"Well then let me buy it for you"he said making me look at him and shake my head.

"No,no it's quite alright"I said.

"Please this will be a apology of what is said"he said making me sigh.

"It seems I'm not winning this"I said making him smile.

I then saw him pay the women making her thank him and then the man turned to me.

"May I?"he asks making me nod.

He then went behind me and put it around my neck then I felt the cold of the necklace fall on my skin making me shiver a bit.

"My name's John fields"he said smiling.

"I'm y/n l/n"I said turning to him.

"And thank you for the necklace"I said touching the necklace softly.

"It's no worries, it's an apology for what I said to you"he said smiling softly.

I smiled back I could feel butterflies in my stomach, I've never felt butterflies before. It's not a nice feeling yet at the same time it's not that bad.

"Well I better be off, it's nice meeting you y/n"he said grabbing my hand lightly and kissing it.

I felt him let go of my hand and walked away which made me stand in place. I couldn't move I felt so many emotions hit me. Love, confusion and fear, the reason why fear is because I've met bad men in my life. Yet he was different the reason was the way he held my hand,how he put the necklace on my neck and how he stared at me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone shake me lightly.

"Y/N dear,are you alright?"asked mother making me turn to her and nodded.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine,thank you for asking"I said making her nod and smile.

"Come let's go home,we have everything we need"said mother making me nod.

We made our way back home with a cart filled with our bedsheets behind us. For some odd reason,I kept thinking about John. I tried getting him out of my mind but I just couldn't. So I sighed and tried to think of something else by doing that I decided to look around.

"Y/n something's clearly wrong. Tell me, please." Said mother making me face her and stopped so did mother.

"It's nothing mother, I assure you." I said sighing through my nose.

I saw her face didn't change and I knew she didn't believe me. She sighed and looked away and she walked away making me follow her. The two of us then reached our home. I helped mother with the sheets and the blankets. After that I decided to read a book, while reading I decided to look out the window and saw the sky go dark and the sun setting. I looked back at my book and continued reading.

"Y/n! Please come help me with dinner!" Shouted mother making me put my book down.

I then got up and walked over to my mother who was in the kitchen. I then helped her with the food. After we're done cooking the dinner we sat down and ate together. It was silent the only thing you can hear are the forks and knifes hitting the plate.

"Y/n, please tell me what happened in the market?" Asked mother making me look up at her, she had sadness and worry written all over her.

"There was a man at the market. He bought me this necklace." I said showing her the necklace.

"Do you love him?" She asked smiling lightly.

"I don't know." I said truthfully.

"Well my dear you can love whoever you want. I'm just glad you told me this." She said smiling and she continued eating her food so did I.

Narrator's POV.

The ship D/n was on finally reached France so has Sweeney's. D/n got off the ship and saw that it was night time. So he had to find shelter for the night and search for you and your mother in the morning and take you and your mother far away. He still loved your mother, he always will no matter the cost. When he found shelter he laid down on the bed and remembered what he has done to your mother. He then started to cry, the things he did was unforgivable and he knew that. He then fell asleep his tears dried. With Sweeney he looked for the whole night and asked people if they've seen a h/c, pale skin and shining e/c eyes. But the people kept saying they haven't seen you and kept walking. Which made him angry and frustrated, he wants you back in his loving arms.

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