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Padfoot and Moony had tried to reason with James that he was at fault when Harry was finally discharged but he refused to listen but it was only when Moony had threatened him with the full moon he had agreed to leave Harry alone and get the boys to attend primary school as required by muggle laws. The godparents knew that this would mean that Harry would have to remain mostly unharmed because otherwise questions would be asked.

"And remember don't mention anything magical to anyone," Lily reminded them one last time before leading them off towards the hall where they would be split into their classes for the year. "Goodbye Charlie, Harry."

Just as Lily left a lady walked up to them, "Hello boys, my name is Mrs. Lœta (Pronounced Low-ta). What are your names?" She asked them.

"Mum says to never tell anyone your name," Charlie said matter of factly as he puffed out his chest.

Seeing this Harry sighed, "Hi I'm Harry and this is my older twin Charlie." Harry informed her ignoring his brother's glare.

"Oh! The Potter twins! You're in class 2 this year, over here. This is Mr. Beasley." She directed them over to a harassed looking teacher in the middle of swarms of parents.

"Hi lads. I'm Mr. Beasley, the class teacher for class two this year. Who are you?" He asked the twins.

"Mummy says to never ever tell anyone my name." Charlie says quickly, causing Harry to sigh again.

"That's what Mother says, Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot say that you should never tell a stranger any of your personal information, and Father says never to tell anyone our surname. He shouts out his name so we know not to trust him as you should never trust a hypocrite. I'm Harry Potter and this is Charles Potter, my older twin." He finishes quickly.

"Well Charles and Harry, you appear to be last to arrive," Mr. Beasley said quickly in hopes of defusing an incoming argument before clapping his hands together, "Alright class two since everyone is here now we are going to head down to the classroom and start the day."

With that he led the chattering students towards the classroom where he assigned seats for the class, ensuring that the Potter twins were on opposite sides of the classroom. The class spent the morning playing alphabet games and by the time lunch came both students and teacher felt that they knew each other much better.

When lunchtime arrived, Mr. Beasley took his class down to the hall for lunch, sat them all down at a table and left them to eat lunch. Ten minutes after returning to his classroom to tidy up and prepare for afternoon lessons he was not expecting a frantic-looking Mrs. Lœta to run into the room shouting something about, "Potter...Fighting...Help...Please!!!"When he followed her at a fast jog he was not expecting to see Charlie holding his smaller brother up against a wall by the throat whilst Harry spluttered something about telling Padfoot, whoever that was.

He ran up to them with a sudden burst of speed to pull Charlie of his brother just as Harry fell unconscious, he let Mrs. Laeta carry the four-year-old up to the school's infirmary while he lead Charlie up to the office to phone the Potter parents.

When they arrived at the office he allowed Charlie to sit down while he made the first of what he feared would be many phone calls home that year. "Hello, this is Daniel Beasley and I am calling to inform you that one of Harry and Charles's carers are needed at the school as soon as possible."

"Hi this is Lily Potter - the boys' mother- I'll come on up now."

Ten minutes later a red-haired woman came in and spoke, "Hello I'm Lily Potter, I believe I spoke to Mr. Beasley a short while ago."

"Yes that would be me. You see we are going to have to give Charles an after school detention for attacking his brother, it will take place tomorrow."

"Oh I will pick him up at 5 o'clock tomorrow night."

Charlie had an afterschool detention. Lily was mortified, it was only the first day school but James didn't seem to understand what it meant.

Luckily Harry had recovered by the time Lily left so he decided to stay in school for the afternoon and finish lessons for the day especially since they going to be reading.

While Harry could already read most of the bulky chapter books at home, he was looking forward to the experience that was to come. As soon as he was discharged from the schools tiny medical room and able to head back to class. When he arrived he was greeted happily by the class and glared at by Charlie and soon slid happily into his seat next to Hermione, a rather bookish girl who Harry got along well with.

"Ok class, this afternoon we are going to be working on our reading skills!" Mr Beasley says as he writes a sentence on the blackboard, "Can anyone tell me what this says?"

Five of the twenty children raised their hands, Harry and Hermione among them. "Tabby?" Mr Beasley asked.

"It says 'The cat sat on the mat'." Tabby replied.

"Well done Tabby." Mr Beasley wanted to see how much people in his class already knew so he wrote a different sentence on the board, "Can anyone read this?"

In response to this only Harry and Hermione raised their hands, "Hermione?"

"It says 'The yellow banana rolled down the hill.'" Hermione answered correctly.

"Well done Hermione," Here he wrote yet another sentence on the wall, "Can anyone tell me what this says?"

Only Harry raised his hand this time. "Harry?"

"Once a pineapple played a short musical tune on his guitar." Harry replied softly.

"Good work Harry. Now class I am going to call you up one at a time so I can find your reading level. While I do that you can be drawing or painting. Charlie why don't I start with you?"

The class began painting while Mr Beasley began the challenge of rating each child's reading skills so that the next day they could begin the group reading sessions. It took him about an hour and soon he had everyone in the colour rating systems that they would continue to have for the rest of infants school where they would then have to pass a few small tests to make their way into Junior school and Key Stage 2.

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