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When Charlie and Harry went home that night the first thing Charlie did was complain to their father that Harry was bullying him in school and of course James believed him immediately because 'the boy-who-lived cannot lie'. The strangle marks around Harry's neck were over looked by the parents and Lily just argued that the teachers must have mixed the boys up even though they looked like they were complete opposites of each other.

Remus Lupin and Sirius Black would be coming over for dinner to see their godchildren after their first day of school but that wouldn't be for 3 more hours which the Potters knew and so with very little thought James sent Harry up to his room to wait for him to collect the belt that was saved for punishing Harry.

Practically shaking with fear, Harry sprinted up the stairs as fast as he could manage with his small legs. One might ask what was so special about this belt and the only thing they would discover was the small metal studs in it. These studs were effective for impaling small backs. Only 10 minutes later James walked in and raising the belt above his head he instructed Harry to remove his shirt and place his hands against the wall.

One hour later Harry's punishment had finally ended and his back was purple and black dripping blood from deep welts. James was so angry with the boy that on his way out his magic locked the door so that only people over eighteen would be able to enter or exit the room. Harry sat alone sobbing after his father left, he was soon feeling extremely dizzy and could almost see the darkness that threatened to overcome him but he also knew that Padfoot and Moony would be arriving to see them in less then an hour and he needed to be conscious for that.

When his and Charlie 's godfathers finally arrived, Harry walked over to open the door but it wouldn't open. Harry pulled at the door but it was of no use he was locked in. Knowing that he needed to get out of his room he tried climbing through the window but that too would not open. Panicking slightly he knew there was no way out until someone dispelled the age line and so he sank onto the floor and reached for his homework book and a pencil, where he carefully began to write in as many answers into the short review sheet he had been given in class. They were supposed to get an adult to help them with it by reading the questions to the children and writing the answers that were given to them.

Meanwhile downstairs, Padfoot was talking with a still sobbing Charlie. Charlie was saying about how mean Harry and the rest of his class were but he didn't believe a word of it. Remus was asking James and Lily where Harry was but their answer of they sent him to his bedroom when he got home and now he was moping and wouldn't come down was less than satisfactory for him and so he headed upstairs towards Harry's room.

When he opened the door he was not prepared for what he saw. He did not expect to see his godson, who was supposed to be moping laying on the floor, pencil in hand doing homework. Remus sat down next to him and was amazed at what the child knew especially after reading the short note for parents at the top.

Dear Parents and careers,

I have given your child this test to complete because I know that every child has had a different education at this point. The school needs to find out what the children know so that we can make our lessons suitable for them. Please assist your child with this by reading the questions to them and writing in their answers also please do not tell your child whether their answer is right or wrong. Do not worry if your child cannot answer any/all of the questions.

Daniel Beasley

From what Remus could see Harry had answered every question so far correctly and he was proud that he had managed so well. Hearing Harry gently whisper his name, Remus turned to see what was wrong. "Uncle Moony, how do you spell cylinder?"

"C-Y-L-I-N-D-E-R," He responded without hesitation before pausing and shaking his head. This child was gifted.

"Okay," Was all he said before he continued working through the test. Before long Harry had finished the test and was happily putting it back in his book bag that he would be taking to school with him daily. Remus took this as the opportunity to get Harry to talk to him.



"Did you enjoy school today?"

"Oh yes, it was wonderful!" Harry exclaimed excitedly,

"Why are you sitting up here?"

"Mum and Dad said that I should come up here and then I couldn't get out!" Harry said sadly and just then Sirius arrived.

"Hello Harry," Sirius looked closer he was sure he could see something on the boy's neck, "What's that on your neck?"

There was silence and Remus glared at Sirius before saying "Harry?"

"It's nothing," Harry whispered quietly but when both of his godparents looked at him pointedly he said, "Ask Charlie." They gave up at that point noting to ask Charlie later.

"Foods ready, it's time to come down." Sirius said suddenly as if he had just remembered why he was here.

Carefully putting his stuff in his bag, Harry stood and walked towards the door with Padfoot and Moony but when they reached the door he was blasted away into the opposite wall. Immediately Moony sprinted the short distance to where Harry lay seeing his arm was at an odd angle as Padfoot began to try and find out what the danger was but soon he stopped. "An age line," he said.

"Why is there an age line in the doorway of my room?" Harry asked.

"To keep you in?" Moony answered, "Now lie still you've broken your right arm."

"Can you fix it?" Harry asked. Sirius was breaking the age line so that Harry could leave.

"Well you're to young to use skelle-grow so soon after last time so we might have to take you into a muggle hospital but we can try St Mungos first."

Harry Potter and the Destruction of a HomeWhere stories live. Discover now