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"Merry Christmas," Harry whispered softly to himself as he placed the final piece of tape on the gift he had, wrapped, in front of him. It was a gift for his twin, in hopes of building a better relationship with him and possibly his parents. He carefully attached a note to it before sliding it beneath the tree Charlie, Lily and James had constructed earlier in the month. Harry knew he would not be allowed to partake in the festivities of Christmas but he was still willing to try — anything for his brother! He was exhausted and knew he would have to be up early the following morning to cook breakfast for his family so Harry headed to his small attic bedroom.

"Wake up! It's Christmas!" A voice echoed through the house at 6.00 the next morning, causing Harry to drag himself out of bed in order to cook an absurd amount of bacon and eggs for his small family to consume before they rush into the living room to begin the muggle ritual that the Potters had adopted many years ago.

Christmas Day for them consisted of three parts, they would spend the morning opening presents and eating a large roast dinner before partaking in the Yule rituals and attending the Yule ball which was thrown yearly by the Ministry of Magic. Before the ball they would spend a few hours playing games in the air with Moony, Padfoot and the Weasley family. Harry, of course, had to spend the day cooking elaborate meals and hiding in the attic. A few years ago he had been spotted by the twins — Fred and George — and his father had had to have a few choice words with him. Luckily since that day, Fred and George came up to visit him every time they visit. It wasn't for long each time but a few minutes was still enough for them to become close friends. They knew Harry wasn't treated quite as well as he should but they still tried to be nice to him and make him laugh!

Soon after he had arrived back to his room after cooking for his family, Harry heard footsteps coming towards his room. When the door opened he saw his father, and Harry immediately knew at that moment that Charlie had disliked his gift. "Hands on the wall, shirt off," James spoke softly, voice quaking in anger. Shaking, Harry complied; he didn't remember much of James's visit after that but knew that it hurt — a lot!

He knew he must have passed out because the next thing he knew Fred was kneeling next to him frantically whispering his name while George sorted through his bag to find a potion. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to sit upright and felt the shredded skin of his back shift, aggravating the incisions that lined it. "Here, one disinfectant and healing potion, take the red one first,"George said as he pulled two small vials of green and red liquid out of his bag.

"Very festive," Harry said dryly as he swallowed both the potions, "Hey Fred, may I borrow your wand?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks," Harry began casting a silencing ward around the room, so that they could hear out but people couldn't hear in. "The trace doesn't work here, in Potter Manor, the wards obscure it."

"What was that?" George asked suddenly.

"A silencing ward, you can shout now, if you want."

"Right that's cool! Are you sure you don't want us to talk to Bill or Charlie about your dad?" Fred questioned.

"No, I'm fine here."

"No, you're not! Have you seen your back?" George spoke strongly and yet gently.

"It's fine, besides I'm 10 now, this time next year I'll be with you in Hogwarts!"

"If you survive that long," Fred muttered darkly.

"Fred, George, it's time to go!" Molly Weasley's voice echoed through the halls.

"See you on the train then," Harry bid them goodbye, "Merry Christmas!"

The twins hesitated in the doorway, and Fred asked the question playing on both their minds, "You will write to us, won't you?"

"Of course."

"Once a week?" George confirmed.

"Once a week."

"And if you miss a letter or ask us, we can tell Bill or Charlie?"


"Merry Christmas!" The twins called as they fled down the stairs towards their mother.

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