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Once Sirius had finally taken down the age line, Moony picked Harry up in a piggyback and carefully carried him down the stairs. Once they had reached the bottom of the stairs, Harry was sobbing softly from his arm being jarred. Padfoot ran into the dining room where he told Lily and James that Harry had broken his arm and they were taking him to St Mungos. They nodded and said they would stay with Charlie.

When they arrived at St Mungos via the floo, the healers brought them into a ward where they asked about Harry's medical history after casting a series of silencing charms around them. Upon the discovery that he had had skele-grow less than two months ago, they gave Remus the name of a hospital that they often sent patients that they couldn't treat to and promised them that apperating wouldn't damage his arm and would be safe.

At the muggle hospital they had to sit in a waiting room for about an hour before they were taken to have an X-ray. After the X-ray they asked Harry when the last time he had eaten was and he responded with, "At lunchtime," which made the doctor frown and look at Remus and ask, "When did you eat lunch?"

"I ate at 1.30 but I think Harry's school's lunchtime ends at about one,"

"Ok then we'll have to hold off operating for an hour and a half for now we'll find a bed for you. I am required to ask you now what your relation to Harry here is."

"We're his godfathers." Sirius stated proudly

"Are you his guardians?"

"No." Remus said

"Do you have a signed letter from his guardians?"

"No, we didn't realise we needed one." Remus said.

"Well then I am not able to allow you near Harry. A social worker will be contacting Harry's guardians and they will be expected to come and collect him as well as prove they have guardianship. If they do not come then Harry will become a ward of the state."

Sirius and Remus quickly said goodbye and left the hospital.

"You go to school then Harry?"

Harry made an affirmative sound in his throat. The doctor was thinking fast, he would need to discover where the boy goes to school so they could see if he would be able to go back tomorrow.

"What is the name of that school?"

"West Hill Primary." Harry whispered, the doctor was thinking that that wasn't too far away he should be able to go back then. The doctor sent a passing nurse to go sign him up for surgery and contact a social worker. Then he went back to making conversation.

"Do you know those men?"



"They're mine and Charlie's godfathers."


"He's my twin."

"How did you hurt your arm?"

"I fell off a swing."

"How badly does your arm hurt on a scale of one to ten? Where one is you can barely feel it and ten is the most painful thing you've ever felt."



Harry said nothing.

"How old are you?"

"Four." Now the doctor was worried children his age weren't normally this quiet. He could see the boy seemed to be exhausted, breaking an arm does that to you but he shouldn't be this tired still. They also weren't usually this small, or light.

Harry Potter and the Destruction of a HomeWhere stories live. Discover now