SCW Tuesday night reload ep 14 part 4

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The shows comes back from commerical break as it shows a helicopter dropping near the arena as everyone is very confused. As the helicopter lands 3 men walk out. Those 3 were Shane McMahon, Colt Jacobs, and the new WWE Undisputed Champion Cody Johnson as they meet up with the rest of the Devil's Ammunition. They teased of a very special announcement on Monday Night Raw and now, 24 hours later they have a chance to speak before Cody has his match in the main event.

The camera then cuts to Renee Young currently in the ring getting ready to interview the group.

Renee: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time. The Devil's Ammunition...

The boos came down at the group comes down to the ring with the self proclaimed "Belt Collector" Cody Johnson leading the charge. As they all got in the ring, the music fades and Renee starts speaking.

Renee: Now that I have you all here, I few questions to ask you. First off, what happened at Meltdown because it clear that everyone wants an explanation as they are clearly disgusted at what happened at Meltdown.

Shane then grabbed the microphone away from Renee and starts speaking.

Shane: So wait everyone is upset? Employee are upset, the fans are upset. Hell Even Mr.UCS754 is upset! I think I know why. It's because you all think you got screwed, which case I just gave this to say. That's just business.

Shane then turned to Cody.

Shane: You know Cody, they say it's the biggest screwjob since Montreal. But I gotta tell you. I was there at Meltdown and the is, the stakes have been the highest they ever been which every title the two men had on the line. And I heard that Hell Froze over because Colt and You were SCW's wrestler appearing on WWE programming. You see all the paradigms have been broken and everyone wants to know. How did we cook this up because it must've taken weeks on planning right Cody? Well it's not weeks, not months, it's been years. I've known Cody Johnson since he first joined WWE in 2006 and I watched as he became a world class athlete, I watched him as he became this best wrestler in the world, and I watched he changed the world of Pro Wrestling and when people say that We were thieves, that we stole the Undisputed Championship, I remind you that all you all wanted Roman to drop those titles and now they belong to the All-star of Pro Wrestling. Cody Johnson!

Shane then passed the mic to Cody as the boos grew louder.

Cody: We always preach in a family-friendly environment and you didn't see me crawling to Mr.UCS754 and begged for a title shot I NEVER DID THAT! I no wait WE waited for over a year while we all plotted and planned and let me say. Nepotism is just wonderful thing isn't it? And every single member of the Devil's Ammunition. We all pulled off the most successful heist in wrestling history. You know everyone wants to talk about accolades, stars, awards, trophies, plages, banners, buttons. But all of those pale in comparison to all these titles I am holding right now. You see thats the thing, I have the most precious prize in all of pro wrestling and what pulled of at Meltdown. Aside from it being a 7 star classic from Big Dave. You know what it was? It was performance, better yet it was fine art, it was an inspection! And each and every one of you sitting at home watching it unfold, fell for it. And whenever you claim you fell for it or not, we could care less. Whenever Mr.UCS754 fell for it or not, we could care less, whenever VictorinoxSafa  fell for it or not, whenever Eric Bischoff, fell or it or not. We don't care, but the problem we need you to buy it Roman. And you did. Yes Colt use the title but no one kicks out the Death Rider DDT. And you thought Meltdown was a big surprise, you thought Raw was a big surprise, well we are just getting started. There is so much more coming i-

Shane then stopped Cody and took the microphone from him.

Shane: Don't tell them Cody because they can't handle it. Remember this. Some people make matches, some people make money. Cody Johnson makes history. So let give the people what they want so pleasw do the thing

Cody: You want me to do the thing.

Shane: Do it!

Cody: Alright, Alright. This is for my opponent later one tonight. One the match is over I will forbid you good-bye *kisses finger* and good night........BANG!

The whole group walks but the stage as the show cuts to a break.

End of Part 4.

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