SCW Tuesday night reload ep 7 Finale

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Backstage we see The SCW World Heavyweight champion Alex Ambrose with Paige and The SCW Untied States Champion with Sasha. As they get ready Alex Ambrose.

Alex: Victor. See we known each other for a really long time but due to circumstances right now how do I know that you won't just stab us in the backstab us.

Victor was about to speak but a voice cut him off.

???: Here is how.

Then SCW GM Cody Johnson came in.

Cody: Victor I know that you hold that SCW United States championship very dear to you and considering the fact that you are RPW chairman I have something to say. See I am going out with you along with your two women. And if I see any crap from you before the episode goes off the air. You will be stripped of your SCW Untied States championship. Do I make myself clear?

Victor: Can't be anymore clear.

Cody: Alright it's settled shake on it.

Cody and Victor shake hand as Alex Ambrose starts playing and Alex starts his enterance.

David: Ladies and gentlemen your main event for the evening is a tag team match set for one fall. Introducing first being accompanied by Paige, from Seattle Washington, weighing in at 210 lbs. He is the SCW World Heavyweight champion! ALEX AMBROSE!

Excalibur: Cody making a huge statement for Victor Garcia.

Corey: He may not be stacking the deck like he normally does but he trying to make sure that Victor choses the right side.

David: And his tag team partner, being accompanied by Sasha Banks and SCW GM and Internet champion Cody Johnson from from Bracelona Spain, weighing 277 lbs he is the SCW United States champion, THE SPANISH SENSATION, VICTOR GARICA!

Corey: Guys, that might the be the last time we hear that being spoken.

Wade: Ya Victor may have and SCW title but he made RPW and he is loyal to that.

Excalibur: That is gonna be the main selling point of the match. Who is Victor going to side with. And remember it's not until the match is over. It until this episode goes off the air. So until this broadcast is over. Victor has a conflicting decsion to make.

David: Their opponents first, residing in Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 300 lbs. He is the RPW World Heavyweight champion. THE BEAST FROM SPAIN, KEKU BLAKE!

Wade: Keku Blake is one of the hardest hitting champions I have ever seen. Its no wonder why he is the RPW World Heavyweight champion.

Corey: Ya but one question. Who is he partner.

Just then Keku was in the ring and he points to the enterance way and a fimillar theme played.

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