Intruder/Six x reader ~ My guest

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(Here's a start. Idk if it sucks but let me know or something, :|)

Y/n's pov:

As I sat in my couch reading away during this odd quarantine, I felt myself growing hungry. I was bored out of my mind but this dumb country is in danger by odd things called "alternates" or as I say satans kids, although yes- I have an option to go outside and risk my safety in the dark, and yes- it would be so worth it yet I would probably die out there. So you know what? I'm going out there and shop a bit, so I can at least not be in here bored to death.

I got up from the couch and went to my room to grab my bag and wallet with occasion of proper clothing to go in public. I step out the door to go on my journey to the store, it was a little bit of a long walk I must say- but its nice to clear out my mind out here.

I look at my surroundings and focused around me, watching the trees flow and grass sway as the wind was a bit heavy today. Nothing seemed out of ordinary so I was sure to be safe for the most part.
Although I have an odd feeling that I'm being watched, but aside from everything else it was calming in this trip.

I made it to the grocery store, as I step in I look at my nonexistent list. I went around and picked up whatever sounded good, tea bags was one of them as yes they are simply delicious and all, snacks and of course my midnight lunch. I went up to the cash register, "is this everything you need?" The nice cashier asked "yes, thank you." I said. I thought for a moment as she scans my stuff that it's odd how this place is opened even when it could be purged by satans kids any moment, but they didn't- maybe it's something about their rules and that they can't blow their cover. Hmm. Anyway, I grab my groceries and headed my way back home, it isn't heavy but it does kinda hurt my wrists.

I noticed how quiet it has gotten, no bugs were making noises- not even the birds or neighborly dogs. I keep myself in alert that something could be out here, either with me- or somewhere behind those trees and darkness. I tried to quiet my footsteps and breathing, as so sudden as I thought that maybe nothing was here- I hear a twig break. I froze for a moment and think back to the protocol- 'don't show your fear' is all I can think.

I took a breath and like nothing is going on I continue walking, I pretend that I didn't notice or somehow shrugged it off. As I walk I hear footsteps behind me, the adrenaline was real but I have to keep calm and hope that it's just another human being walking wherever.

I can still hear it but as I approach the door it stopped. I fumbled with my keys for a bit and unlocked it, I look at where I last heard the sound and surely enough- something was there. A tall male all black with a pale face, but when he noticed me that I saw him the kinda suffled over behind a tree quickly. I couldn't help but feel bad for a moment, he seemed sad for some reason.

I thought for a moment, that maybe I should talk to it- as it gave a lone look in his vibe- maybe not judge it "Hey mister!" I spoke, he flinched and quickly stopped peaking around the tree. "Mister! Are you alright?" I said as I put my stuff down and got a but closer "it's a bit too cold to be outside- are you okay?" I ask once more- his facial expression gave a confused look as if he just witnessed something he'd never thought "yes.?" He spoke a bit hesitantly "would you like to come inside? I'll make us some tea sir- it's gonna pour down soon." I spoke and lightly pulled his arm, he was stunned for some reason but submitted to my pulling.

(Six's pov)

This person welcomed me around and led me to the couch as they went back to grab the groceries they left out. I was quiet and questioning on what just happened and whatever shrooms this person is on. Well they're not high, drunk, or anything- they just welcomed me inside without a thought of what I am- I was SUPPOSED to break in their neighbor's home but I guess I'm occupied now. They came back with a cup in hand and handed it to me "here mister, I hope you like it" they smiled as I took the warm mug. I'm so confused- why is this happening-- but this is kinda interesting...

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