Mark x reader ~ Scense

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Yee yee writing this as my friends are swimming, this is gonna be a short one hopefully, I hope you like the drawing  I made above.


Y/n's pov.

It was another day in mandela country, and of course another sleepover with my.. Ahem.. Boyfriend-, it's still hard to call him that, once a best friend and boyfriend the next, it's been a couple weeks since we started dating, I've been getting away from my chaotic family thanks for em. I am excited to go to the park, although I didn't believe that it'll get this cold- and I only have a thin jacket on me.

I shiver as I walk next to mark, freezing as it is. He looked at me worryingly "Are you cold hon?" He asked and I shyly nodded, he stopped in his tracks and started taking his hoodie off and puts it on me "Here- I hope this helps" he said as he took me by the arm and continued our walk.

Hours had passed as we just asked like kids at the park, running around in circles and just having a good time. Although it was getting late and so we started heading home, we brought up things we've done in the past and joked about bits of it, having us both red faced.
We arrive at his door step and mark fumbles with his keys for a bit, I took in the moment to enjoy his hoodie on me. I oddly took a sniff and-- oh, it smelled nice. I embraced it and felt happy about the warmth and comfort it was bringing me. He opened the door and notice "huh, you really like it?" He tilted his head a bit and pulled us inside, I blushed and hid a bit "it's alright. How about a movie?" He asked as we sat on the couch and cuddled the rest of the night.


I'm tired, hope you like the short Story.

I'm tired, hope you like the short Story

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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