I was not mentioned ANYWHERE in here, but my bf is an assasain?!?!?!?!? WHY

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Brenton and Sunny go out and get revenge on some cops, including Fang and Specs.In a car chase, Specs is killed in a car bomb, while Fang is killed by an assassin.Specs and Fang both survived the escape vehicle and contacted their cops to tell them to send backup, so they run into some cops that were sent to escort them in, but being rookies they didn't know who to avoid.After killing them, Specs got out of the car to talk to Fang and find out what to do.Specs tells Fang that he is sad because she didn't have to go down with her crew and she'd been fighting for her life for the last 5 years, and has nothing left.Specs then says that he is going to join up with Brenton, and says good bye to Fang and Brenton.At the end of the episode, Specs is able to shoot the wound in his leg.Zoey is still detained by the police.Vince sends two people to try to work out a deal, but Zoey refuses to talk, suspecting that Vince was the one that killed a cop.Vince sends an assassin to kill Zoey and that man shoots Zoey, thinking she's Fang.Luckily, Brenton, who is also an assassin, arrived on the scene and finishes off the assassin.Brenton takes Zoey to the hospital.Inside the hospital, Brenton asks to speak to Zoey and she lies about her identity.Brenton doesn't seem to trust her and the next day he tells the people inside the hospital to evacuate the room.While Brenton searches for Zoey, Zoey talks to the president of her gang.He reveals that he never really joined the gang and her father's 'girlfriend' is actually the leader.He reveals that Zoey had been put under his orders, and in the dream state, the president tells her to kill him.After Zoey escapes from the hospital, Vince goes to see Zoey.He wants her to take over his gang so that he can be free.After Zoey declines, Vince tries to kill her, but is stabbed by Brenton.Zoey is able to go home and is ready to kill Vince.Zoey and Brenton go to the mansion and start to head for Vince, but the cops arrive and they have to leave.Zoey goes to kill Vince, but he has a bulletproof vest.Vince, seeing that Zoey is about to kill him, tosses his gun into the ocean.Zoey is horrified, but Brenton points out that it is now a foot race.Zoey grabs Vince's gun, but before she can shoot, Brenton shoots her in the head and she dies.The episode ends with Vince getting shot.Lt. Grayson: A detective with the LAPD who was investigating the murder of a cop.She was sent to the scene of the crime by Vince to find the killer.She eventually teamed up with Zoey and Brenton.Lt. Paige: A detective with the LAPD who was investigating the murder of a cop.She was sent to the scene of the crime by Vince to find the killer.She eventually teamed up with Zoey and Brenton.Det.Moutia Jammal: A detective with the LAPD who was investigating the murder of a cop.She was sent to the scene of the crime by Vince to find the killer.She eventually teamed up with Zoey and Brenton.Det.Hector Anderson: An

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