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Y/n L/n
Height: 6'1ft/185cm
Weight: 53kg
Hair: black
Eyes: red
Age: unknown
Gender: futanari
Race: siren 
Siren Creator
Ship of Destiny
Great Siren God
Goddess of Destiny
Chaotic Siren of the Apocalypse


Riggings- Your riggings are huge and menacing

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Riggings- Your riggings are huge and menacing. You have around three to four pairs of massive black shark mouths with huge metal teeth along with another three shark heads facing out from your back, each shark mouth house two long turrets. Moreover, each shark head had another two-barrelled artillery gun mounted on top of it. In the space between the two turrets, was a chamber that contained a pair of nuclear missiles on each head. Besides that, you could also turn the cloak around your waist into twelve long tentacles that can be used to capture, incapacitate and sink any ship as well as for some other stuff~ (You guys can guess what that is.)


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Ship class- Eclipse-Class Star Dreadnaught Ship type- Planetary Assault Super-Carrier 

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Ship class- Eclipse-Class Star Dreadnaught
Ship type- Planetary Assault Super-Carrier 

Length- 8km
Width- 3km
Height- 1.2km

Cruising speed- 28,800 kph
Top speed- 400 trillion kph

Techno magic- You can create, manipulate and control technology to create anything you want at will.

Data Cube Creation- You can create data cubes to create, store and take data about someone or something. You can implant this cube into anything, even inanimate objects.

Sea of Disparity- Your greatest power which allows you to summon an infinite amount of artificial siren to come and aid you. These monsters are large humanoid creatures with shark heads that look like the ones in your riggings and they have turrets mounted on the shoulders, hands and head. These artificial creatures also have a nuclear core that constantly emits nuclear energy, allowing them to create blasts of nuclear energy from their mouths, hands and chest.

Core of Destiny- Your core contains an infinite amount of energy and will never run out for as long as you live. It is constantly emitting huge amounts chaotic energy that will kill any human that is exposed to it and weakens ship-girls exponentially, making them unable to do anything against you and sealing their fate.

Destined Fate- An ability of yours that allows you to see every possible future and choose a path that suits you. The chosen path will end exactly the way you want it to and nothing will be able to change that.

Mind control- You can take over a persons mind and body, turning them into mindless slaves that do whatever you want without any question.

Chaotic energy core- You can emit chaotic energy at will which is extremely harmful to living things as well as shuts down the body functions of any and all ship-girls near you.

Nuclear energy blasts- You can shoot out huge blasts of nuclear energy from your mouth, hands and chest which cause immense destruction as well as radiation poisoning.

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