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Hello lovely reader! I'm Kappibura, the author of this collection of writing! I've been on this app for quite a while, a year to be more specific, and I've always wanted to create something beautiful of my own on here. Only, I didn't find the balls to do it, until this fateful day.

I'm very nervous about sharing my first-ever work of writing with the public. Most of these stories are very personal to me, as they are based on true events in my life.

I'll welcome any of the criticism you have. But please be mindful about it. There's a huge difference between constructive criticism to help improve my writing and straight up saying hurtful stuff about it. So again, be mindful with criticism.

I plan on updating twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays. And I'll try my best to stick to that schedule. So far I have a few pieces of work already done and ready to post, giving me the time to create more, hopefully worthy, content.

So without further ado......here's a glimpse into the jumbled-up mess I call my mind. I hope you enjoy what you find here!

PS: Feel free to message me anytime! I'm always happy to receive any message, whether it's just to say hi or comment on my writing. :D

A Snippet of my Thoughts and FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now