Chapter 1

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A girl named Clem is in her room reading a book. A few moments later her mom walks in and tells her to stop. Clem gives her mom a confused look. She stops reading and clems mom gives her a drink.

Clem has no clue what the drink is, only her mom.
Immediately after Clem drinks the mysterious drink she blacks out.
Her mom then leaves.
Or does she?

Clem wakes up shortly after and looks for her mom. Her vision is very blurry and eyes are watery.
She notices her book is missing.
Clem gets scared and goes outside BUT it's pitch black out.

You cant see anything. Like if the power went out or something.
Clem is freaked out. Only her house has light nowhere else.

her mom is in a mental hospital.
The doctor tells her she is mentally ill, after the doctor tells her, the mom passes out.

She wakes up in another room.
the doctors took her and ran some tests
Just to check if anything else is wrong with her.
The doctors ask her a few questions.

"Do you have a husband?"


"Do you have any children?" She hesitates, Then continues

"no, I don't think so"

the doctors write something on their notepad.

"Alright well you're gonna be staying here awhile just to make sure you can't do anything else worse than what you've done"
Clem is at home gathering some supplies to go out looking for her mom.

Flashlight, phone, charger, extra flashlight, and some money just in case. Before leaving the house she double checks the house to make sure she doesn't forget anything.

She doesn't know if she will ever make it back, considering the fact that her mom is missing. Clem is walking around the house not wanting to leave.

The house is pretty empty since they just moved in not many furniture yet, so not much to find.
Until...she finds stairs.

Where do they lead to? She walks up them and it leads to

uh oh...what the-

what is this place?
Ripped wallpaper, dirty floors

smells- oh my, did someone die here?

*from a distance*

HELP!! what was that?
It sounded close by.


Loud screams come from a locked room.

"Hello?" Clem says

"hello are you hurt"

it's her mom..



"Im outside the door"

"clem I'm not real"

Someone taps her shoulder....

"AHHHHH" clem screams and runs into a wall


"What just happened?"

She stands still for a few minutes Then continues walking up the stairs

she sees a bookshelf. "Huh, never knew we had this"
she walks towards it

she sees something off about the bookshelf.
There's a button, but not just any button..its popped out a bit like someone tried to take it out.

Clem takes out the button and the bookshelf turns around.
Clem stands there confused about what's happening. The bookshelf comes to a complete stop
there's a door on it but it's kinda small

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