Chapter 12

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Clem sits there trying to process what just happened

"I killed my own sister" she says out loud to herself

Someone hears her "don't worry clem, I'm still here" the high pitched voice says

She gets up from Clems lap

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Clem yells and runs

she's back

"Don't run clem, i just wanna have fun, like when you were with rose" the girls voice sounds closer than ever


"I'm here!" It's screamed in her ear but she's no where to be found


"No, it's just like if rose was here"

"It's nothing like that" clem whispers to herself

Suddenly clem sees her mom and runs towards her

"MOM!" She hugs her mom tightly and sobs

"Clem! oh there you are" her mom notices something is wrong

"Mom? I messed up real bad!" Clem starts crying uncontrollably

"Oh clem I'm not mad at you for running away"

that's not what she meant

"No, not that" clem lifts up her head

"Then what happened? You found rose agin didn't you" her mom knows a little too well

"Not only that...I killed her" clem admits tears streaming down her face

"What! How?" Her mom isn't mad but she's rather say...confused

"You know that girl I said was controlling her...I was trying to get rid of her and as soon as I stabbed the girl she went right back inside rose and I killed rose instead"

"Oh clem, I'm so sorry" her mom is speechless, she wants to help clem but, how?

"It's okay mom, It's my fault I got too ahead of myself and killed my own sister"

"She wasn't actually your sister you know" her mom reminds clem

"Yea, I know it's just sad. Me and rose did everything together"

Clem hears the girls voice "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Clem grabs her moms hand and runs away, back home

"CLEM WHY ARE WE RUNNING!" Her mom yells

"Don't worry! I just have to get out of here"

"AHH!" Her mom falls on the ground

The girl is right behind them

"MOM!" clem helps her mom

"CLEM! COME HERE!" The girl runs faster

Mom notices the girl "clem leave me here, get away"

"What? No I can't lose you too"

"OH CLEMM!" She's closer than before

"GO! RUN CLEM!" Her mom insists

Clem runs and hides behind a tree to watch the action take place
The girl stops running when she sees Clems mom on the ground

"Well well well..what do we have here?"

"Leave me alone you psycho!" The mom yells trying to get away

"Hmm how" the girl stabs the mom in the chest with the knife

Clem sees it all happen and screams "MOM NO!" She covers her mouth instantly

"Huh? Clem!"

Clem stays hidden knowing she's dead if she moves

"Oh clem" she's right by her ear

Clem closes her eyes and tries to block out the hallucinations

"Oh clem, I know you're there"

Clem gets an idea "yea! I'm here!"


"Hello clem, I guess you can see what happened to your mom"

"Yes, I know" she starts tearing up

"Why do you take everyone away from me? What did I ever do to you?"

The girls expression softens "what?"

"What did I ever do to you! All I wanted was for rose to be SAVED Not controlled"

"I wasn't controlling her, I was protecting you from her"

"How does that make any sense? I was happy when I was with her"

"Yea, that wasn't her. That was me"
Clem pauses and remembers

"All the little things you did with her never happened"

"no no no no"

"It wasn't real, you knew that"

"It felt so real, how do you know that wasn't real?"

"Because it all adds up, all the mysteries, the fun you had, the girl who saved you from Emily and Denise, your mom, rose, me, it's all made up a fantasy some would say"

"It's time to stop pretending and look at the reality of this whole made up world" the girl  gestures her hands into the distance

Clem sits in the ground "That's right, it's not real everything that happened never actually happened"

"Mhm...wanna finish it?"

"Finish what?"

"Your book" she responds holding Clems book

"Uhm,okay then"

Clem turns to the back of the book towards the last few pages

"We'll go on, read it out loud"

Clem reads "at last, she finds out it was all made up, everything she'd been through, her sister and her mom...of course it felt real, of course she'd wish it was real"

Clem looks up at the girl "only the good parts, I wish they were real"

She continues reading "But of course only the good parts, she'd wish the same for her twin Rose. It's all she ever wanted, someone to hangout with, someone who understood her, someone who was willing to sacrifice their own life to save them. All she wanted was someone who didn't leave"

Clem tears up "it's true, that's all I've ever wanted everyone left me, Emily, rose, and now my mom, not by choice"

"The last thing she had to do was leave, escape this place somehow like she'd never been able too, but now she can" clem gets up holding the book and walks near a water fountain

The girl follows "it's almost daytime, almost time to go"

Clem sits down and continues

"Does she know that the universe loves her, all this was planned for her to experience something she knew she'd never get. Does she know that the universe is kind? That we love her? That's up to her to figure out who Clem truly loves, pick the right people and they may stay for eternity" clem reads the last bit of the story

"The book was over and clem woke up from the dream, she began new dreams, dreams she knew were real. Clem was loved by many, and Clem was free" she reads the last words

"Wake up"

She's free!

"She did it" the girl says to herself as clem disappears

"Time to go" the girl leans back on the fountain and disappears into the water

Clem is now free from everything.

So that's it?

Mhm,That's the end of Clems story

What could possibly happen next?

Chapter End!

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