Chapter 7

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"ROSE NO!" Clem shoots up from her bed and screams

"Is everything okay in here?" The doctor asks

"Clem? Honey are you okay?" Clems mom asks clem as to why she was yelling

"Huh? Mom?" Clem sees her mom in front of her

"Yes? Are you okay?" The mom has a worried look on her face

"Yes, sorry I was just" Clem gets cut off by her mom
"Scared?" The mom asks "yea..scared" the doctor interrupts Clem and her mom

"It's okay clem, you are safe with us" the doctor pauses and looks down at her notepad
"as a matter of fact, you are all ready to go home now" the doctor raises up her hands in an exciting way

"Home? I can..go home?" clem says in a worried confused tone of voice
"Yes clem! You can come home with me" mom rubs her back

Clem doesn't know if she's happy or sad "yay finally.." her response was hesitant

"All we have to do is un hook you and your free to go"

"Wow thank you so much doctor you've saved my girl" the mom stands up to hug the doctor

"Your welcome" the doctor responds

The doctor leaves and Clems mom decides to asks clem why she screamed

"clem can i ask you a question?" Her mom slowly walks over to clem and puts her hand on Clems shoulder

"Uhm..sure" clem responds, looking up at her mom, Her mom sits in front of her causing Clem to lower her head making eye contact with her mom

"Why did you scream? We're you yelling at someone in your dream?Perhaps someone named.." she pauses then continues shortly after "rose?"

Clems eyes start to water as she tilts her head downwards
"Oh clem come here" Clems mom pulls clem into a hug and rubs her back

"it's okay clem, your safe here" her mom says quietly almost like a whisper
Clem looks up confused "why did you whisper?" She wipes the tears off her face

"What?" Her mom questions

"Why did you whisper? As if someone would hear" clem is suspicious of her moms tone of voice

She's too smart..

" reason" she stutters

Uh oh..she knows

Knows what?

"Mom! Just tell me" clem stands up and takes off the hospital gown

"Clem..listen you've been through so much why don't you just get ready..and we'll go home" Clems mom smiles and leaves clem to get dressed

Clem thinks to herself
"Why would she be lying? I already know too much" clem was about to continue changing until something interrupted her

"I don't know..why would she be lying?"

She hears a voice in her head 

"What?" Clem says out loud

She shakes her head, clearing the thoughts and continues changing.

Later she walks out the hospital with all her things including her book

"I'm ready mom" clem tells her mom outside the door

"Okay great you have everything?"

"Yep, even my book" clem answers holding up her book

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