Episode 3: Back In Action Part 2

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Within a few hours, the team was laughing drinking cola in the rec room, catching up on old times

Ace: *laughing* You did what, Sonic!? 

Sonic: I just went "How's it going" and slapped the robot like it was nothing!

Sapphire: Classic Sonic

Tris: This is why I love you guys, we were more like a family than a team

Diego: You said it!

Zero: *still silent but sips his cola*

Lexi: Y'know something, babe?

Ace: Yeah?

Lexi: It feels good that despite all this chaos, we're having fun before Tech tells us our plan

Ace: Yeah it really does

Zero: *To Tech* Hey, Tech?

Tech: Hm?

Zero: Aren't you gonna tell us your plan that required us all coming back together?

Tech: Oh uh sure, follow me guys

Everyone follows him as they walked down to the hangar, Rev decides to ask a question the team was scared to ask

Rev: Say...what do you think happened to Zadavia..?

Ace: I don't know...maybe she retreats back to Freleng or Blanc to plan out?

Zero: Or maybe The Morningstar executed her when he and Deuce took her away..

Tris: Zero! Don't say it like that!

Zero: I'm sorry, just...would she really spend two years planning it out?

Diego: I think she's alive, just held captive on his ship...

Sonic: Or, just like Ace said, maybe she did retreated

Tech: Okay, here's what me and Kyp been working on for two years..*presses the button to open the large door*

Ace: Whoa...

Sonic: What's that?

It was a gigantic starship bigger than the Supersonic Transport, it beared a striking resemblance to a sci fi film series we all know and love

Tech: Its called the Constellation Hawk

Diego:...it looks like the Millennium Falcon. *gasps* Rip Off!!

Tech: Not rip off, Diego. Inspiration, loved seeing that ship when I was a pup

Sonic: I know right! That's it! Slam can be Chewie!

Slam: Huh??

Sonic: And maybe Ace is Han Solo!

Ace: Sonic--

Sonic: And maybe--

Ace: *laughs* Sonic, we get it, your a fanboy

Sonic: *chuckles* I know..

Tech: The plan is for us to take the Hawk, fly into space escaping The Morningstar's defenses and flying to Freleng.

Ace: Freleng?

Tech: Yes, as we know Freleng knows the secret of cosmic energy and it's ability to grant powers, so we could go there to get our powers back!

Duck: That's not a bad plan!

Sapphire: I'm up for it!

Barley: Oooh space!

Gorlop: Can't wait to go back there

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