Episode 7: ReEnergized

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Outside the palace, the robots, Deuce and Zadavia were facing the heroes along with Optimatus

Corrupted Zadavia: Hello, brother

Optimatus: S-S-Sister... *walk towards her* I know what's happened to you...

Ace: Optimatus...

Optimatus: I've missed you!

Corrupted Zadavia: I haven't

Lexi: Optimatus, careful

Optimatus: Sister, I know you're in there, I know you're still there. Please, come back...

Deuce: She doesn't respond to you, only to her devoted husband

Optimatus: Zadavia, come back, to us, to me...

Corrupted Zadavia: Silence! *Shoots a blast*

Optimatus: Ugh!

Ace: Your Highness!

Deuce: Robots, eliminate them!

Roxanne: *gasps*

Zero: *punches a robot and takes its weapon*

Kyp: *snarls and roars and swipes a robot as well*

Deuce: *pulls out a normal Frelengian sword as he faces Ace* Give me the sword

Ace: Never! *readies the Guardian Strike Sword*

Solaris: *screeches swooping on a few robots*

Kyp: *pounces on one and scratches it but then Cerberus headbutts him*

Cerberus: *barks and growls*

Kyp: *snarls*

Cerberus: *pounces*

Kyp: *pushes him*

Slam: Me crush metalmen!! *Roars ramming into the robots*

Duck: Taste the fury of mighty--!!

Robot: *zaps*

Duck: *all roasted and coughs weakly*

Optimatus: *shields himself* Solaris! The helmet!

Solaris: *screeches and flies on top of Zadavia's head*

Corrupted Zadavia: Get off me, turkey!

Tris: *shoots at a robot with its own weapon*

Solaris starts pecking her helmet, giving it heavy damage.

Corrupted Zadavia: *shoots a blast at Solaris*

Solaris: *gets hit, screeching in pain*

Optimatus: Noooo!!

Solaris crashes into Kyp

Deuce: *clashes swords with Ace* Give me that sword back and I'll make your death less painful!

Ace: That doesn't sound convincing! *kicks him*

Lexi: *jumps to avoid a shot and kicks a robot in the head*

Optimatus rushes towards Solaris.

Optimatus: My friend, oh no, I'm so sorry...

Solaris: *wakes up, shaking his head*

Optimatus: You're alright! *sighs in relief*

Solaris: *screeches* "lookout!"

Optimatus: *turns around and gasps*

Cerberus: *jumps at the both of them but Kyp jumps into him*

Cerberus: *roars*

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