Episode 6: Arrival on Freleng

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Two years ago, Freleng

A funeral was held for the memory of... Princess Zadavia and Kyp? But they were on Acmetropolis at this time, how could they be dead here?

Among the saddened crowd were Zadavia's parents King Shiro and Queen Edenia, and...Prince Optimatus.

Optimatus: Sister...

Edenia: *weeping* My shooting star, my little shooting star...

Shiro: There there, my love..

Minister: We gather in remembrance of Princess Zadavia, a truly smart, quick witted and determined figure of Freleng's royal family with beauty to match. Sadly last week, she and her beloved Gnarly Kyp perished in a cosmic storm on a trip to ally planet Acmetropolis.

But... Zadavia's alive along with Kyp, Zadavia was taken by the Morningstar not killed in a cosmic storm..

Minister: Her love for all creatures in Freleng showed when she took a Gnarly, one of the most infamous creatures of Freleng and raising it as her pet.

Optimatus rose up and prepared to speak his part of his sister's eulogy

Optimatus: My sister...saved me from myself, she may have caused the scars on my face but I've forgiven her, she ended my iron fisted rule over the planet...I feel like I should still be imprisoned but my sister still loved and forgiven me, without her I can only hope i make the right decisions.

Optimatus slowly begun to weep for the loss of his sister, after the funeral, Deuce who was also in attendance, walked out and pulled out a wrist communicator

Deuce: Morningstar?

Morningstar: *messages* Go ahead, Deuce.

Deuce: Good news, they've completely bought it, the people of Freleng believe, Zadavia died in a cosmic storm

Morningstar: Well done.

Deuce: I'm heading back to Acmetropolis, now

Freleng, during the two years of the Morningstar rule

Optimatus walks out to the royal garden, still depressed. He walked around the garden, looking back on his childhood with his sister

He remembers that little Zadavia likes to play her dolls while he likes to play rough such as being a Knight.

Optimatus(child): Take that scoundrel! *Swings* And that! No one is a match for me!

Zadavia(child): *plays with her dolls*

being a lover of romance, she had them kissing

Zadavia(Child): You know you can admit your feelings, Princess Starla *imitates her doll's voice* Oh brave Sir Henry! I love you!

Optimatus(Child): *continues* No force in the galaxy can match the power of my sword!

Zadavia(child): *imitates her male doll* I love you too my princess *smacks her dolls together* Mwah! Mwah!

Suddenly Optimatus kicks that boy doll

Optimatus: I vanquish the beast!

Zadavia(Child): Optimatus! *gets up* You kicked Sir Henry!

Optimatus(Child): I have kicked the great beast!

Zadavia(child): He's not a beast, you buffoon!

Optimatus(Child): Oh yes! *poses with the sword* No one escapes the mighty Optimatus!

Zadavia(child): Big meanie!

Optimatus(child): Only a wicked evil being would call a warrior like me, a meanie!

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