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A familiar face

°•°Sanemi POV°•°

I have a feeling something is going on between those two. Not something bad, but I think I'll ask two-tone (A/N: best nickname I could think of for Mitsuri. Sorry if it's bad.) about it after the mission. We haven't even found the stupid demon yet! The loner walked over to me.
He didn't even spare me a glance! Who does he think he is?! Because he certainly isn't better than me! With all his ' I'm not like you' speeches, I think it's obvious that he thinks he's better than all of us. A quiet mumble came from the loner.
"Speak up." I snapped at him.
"It's getting quite late." I rolled my eyes. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
"That's great!" Excuse me, what!? Is flame head a complete idiot?

(Haha. No you are. Feel lucky that it's it's not you Sanemi. Be happy your only a side character.)

°•°Kyojuro POV°•°

"Now the demon will come out!" I said in my usually loud voice. Shinagazuwa scowled. Tomioka nodded slightly.
A tree branch broke behind us.
"I'm already here." I whipped around to see a grotesque demon. It had lilac skin, with an ivory horn in the middle of it's forehead. It stared at Tomioka and lunged. Tomioka, fortunately, leaped to the side and pulled out his sword. The demon seemed to ignore me and Shinagazuwa and was just targeting Tomioka. "Where do I recognize you from?" The demon spoke, mainly to himself but to Tomioka too.
"Ahh, yes. You're the younger brother of that girl, no?" Tomioka's eyes widened. The demon smiled at the reaction. "So I'm right."
Tomioka stood still, as if frozen. Then he lunged.

°•°3rd POV°•°

Tomioka lunged for the demon, aiming for its head but, unfortunately, the demon was faster, jumping back a little and attacking Tomioka. Tomioka yelped. A giant, deep gash was in his chest. He got up again, breathing heavily and unevenly. "Water breathing, first form. Water surface slash!" The amount of hatred in Tomioka's voice was unheard of. Rengoku and Shinagazuwa stared in disbelief as Tomioka cut off the demons head. "Hehe... I really thought I was a threat. Guess not..." The demon said weakly. "Well then boy. Here's your sister's ribbon." The demon pulled out a blood red ribbon from a jacket on his now degenerating torso. It dropped the ribbon on the floor. Then, it disappeared and only it's clothes remained. Tomioka picked up the ribbon and smiled.

°•°Giyu POV°•°

Finally. I have it back. Not only do I have their haoris but I also have a fragment of Sabito's mask. It's like a little keepsake. The fact that the demon just gave it to me. Did he think I was worthy?
"Tomioka! Are you okay!?" Rengoku's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "I'm fine..." I told him. "No your not! Your bleeding! Heavily may I add!" Now that the adrenaline I had while fighting the demon had worn off, I became more aware of the pain in my chest and blood dripping down from it. My vision started becoming hazy as my breathing became more and more ragged. "Tomioka?" Came a, what seemed to me, faint cry. "Tomioka?! Tomioka!"

Everything faded to black.

~ I'm done with the chapter! Now I can relax a bit. Well not really cause I don't want you guys to wait for to long word count: 569.
Thanks for reading!

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