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Secrets out already!?

°•°Kyojuro POV°•°

I understand why simmered salmon with daikon is Giyu's favourite food. It's so good! We had now finished our food and Giyu had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I suddenly heard a very excited squeal. I looked around and my eyes landed on the one person who can't keep secrets. Kanjori Mitsuri, the love pillar. "Kanjori," I said sternly. "You tell no one about this. Understand?" Kanjori looked confused. "But why shouldn't I?" I sighed while Giyu snuggled up to me closer. "We don't know how everyone will react. It's best to lay low and act normal."
"Okay! Bye Rengoku!"

°•°Sanemi POV°•°

The little insect came over to me today.
"Hello Shinagazuwa. Would you like to go out for a meal? Everyone else is coming!"
I rolled my eyes. I know the loner never comes and I'm bored so sure.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll come." She clapped her hands in delight. "Great!"

Time skip to later that evening∆

Everyone was here. And by everyone, I mean everyone. Even the loner was here, however uncomfortable he looked. Is he looking down on us? We had ordered a few minutes ago and he's just stayed close to flame head. Surprisingly, he held a short conversation with two-tone. After that he just went back to looking around uncomfortably. I'll show him. I got up and walked over to him. It was a private restaurant and the food had just arrived so I'm fine with creating what the others would call a scene. "Oi Tomioka! Why so uncomfortable?!" The loner just looked at me. "Tomioka's just not used to this!" Hah!? Why does flame head have to stick up for him? The insect intersected. "Yeah Tomioka-san. You look awfully uncomfortable. This is why no one likes you~" I had to laugh at that. I looked at flame head. He looked ticked off.

°•°Giyu POV°•°

I knew I shouldn't have come. Now because of me, a scene is being caused. I only came because Kyojuro asked me too. "I'll have you know Kocho, that people do like Giyu. You must be blinder that Himejima to not see that. No offense obviously to you Himejima."
Himejima nodded. "None taken. You were just trying to make a point." Kocho on the other hand looked annoyed as.
"Ara ara. That's definitely a new piece of information," Is she dumb? I tell her that all the time. She continued. "But pray, tell me. Who likes Tomioka-san?" Kyojuro looked at reassuringly. "The master does. Kanjori does," Kanjori nodded furiously to show her agreement. "Not to mention, I do." I froze. He didn't just say that did he? Kocho looked at me inquisitively. Shinagazuwa snorted.
"Don't tell me your gay?"

(A/N please remember the time period! Just so you guys don't think I'm homophobic.
I'm not!)

Kyojuro's eyes flashed with anger.
"And if I am?" Shinagazuwa's eyes widened.
"Y-your not telling me you are right?" Kocho asked, disbelief evident in her voice. The atmosphere was now so thick, you could cut it with a katana. Kyojuro stood up. "Come on Giyu." My first name. My eyes widened. "We're leaving." He left the room. I quickly got up and followed him. We were now outside the restaurant. "Kyo-"
"Please Giyu. I'm tired. Let's go back home." I nodded. At last this drama was over.

For now anyway.

~That's the end of chapter 6!
Word count: 576
Happy reading!

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