Chapter 5: Chaos, Snapping, and Glowing Rings

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Chapter 5: Chaos, Snapping, and Glowing Rings

Tsuna began to panic. He can't let his identity revealed. Especially now that his classmates are here. So only one thing to do, snatch the picture from the wall and hide the portrait behind his back. "N-no! It isn't me! It's a mistake!"

One of his classmates snorted. Believing that it's only a bluff. "Of course it wasn't you! Dame-Tsuna as Mafia boss no way!"

After he said that, the other students laughed and followed his example. "Yeah! There's no way! Dame-Tsuna is Dame!"

Tsuna sighed in relief. Relieved that his classmates do not believe that he's the Vongola Decimo. Well, what they said were true. A dame person can't be a famous and prestigious mafia boss. He was already relaxed when his 'sweet' guardians and tutor ruined it.

"ARE YOU QUESTIONING JUUDAIME!?" Shouted Gokudera. He's already annoyed that the stupid classmates of his can't see his Juudaime's awesomeness.

"Ano...Gokudera-kun, please-" Tsuna tried to stop him but was cut off by a laugh.

"Ahaha! Looks good Tsuna! Woah! I look good too! Ahaha!" Yamamoto said while the portrait has been already in his hands.

Tsuna panicked again. He can't let them see. He must hide with his dying will as Reborn says. But he doesn't know how Yamamoto got that. He knew he was holding it properly and securely. "What? How? Yamamoto!"

Yamamoto raised his eyebrows and sighed. Tsuna never learn, does he? When will he be accustomed in calling their first names? He ignored the brunet the he faced the class and held the portrait out. "Hey! Do you want to see?"

"Yes! Please let us see Yamamoto" The class said in unison and Tsuna widen his eyes.
"NO! DON'T!" Tsuna shouted but he was too late. Group A have already looked at the picture. And when they looked at it, they gaped like a fish and their eyes are wide as a saucer.

Gokudera hummed in satisfaction. Satisfied to see them with shocked faces. So he shouted. "AND THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD SEE JUUDAIME'S AWESOMENESS"

"IMPOSSIBLE!" While they are stunned, Tsuna took this opportunity to get the portrait from the hands of innocents.

"Minna-san, it's not what you think!" He tried to explain but another guardian of his just had to interrupt.

"YOU'RE EXTREMELY GOOD ON THAT PICTURE SAWADA!" The loud guardian, Ryohei shouted with ear piercing volume.

Tsuna grumbled. Why are they so stupid? Not that he really meant it but they are really pursuing the students. So he tried to explain...Again. "Someone is just messing me with me. Look, it's fake!"

Being left out, Reborn tried to enter the scene while he had this smirk. "That's Dame-Tsuna and don't you dare refuse to believe"

The people inside the gallery gulped. Scared because of Reborn's deadly aura. But then a brave Yamamoto tried to save Tsuna with a smile. Not caring the glare towards him. "No it's not."

Reborn glared at him again. Refusing to lose the argument, he used his authority towards them. "Yes it is."

Tsuna tried to glare at the hitman. Keyword: tried. He backed away when he heard a click of a gun. But nevertheless, he tried to speak. "It's fake! Look, do you think I will become a boss? I'm dame right?!" He's already twitching. How many times does he have to explain?

They all have a headache now. Who will they believe? The pathetic, loser, no good Tsuna and his friends, or their teacher, Reboyama-sensei. They don't know anymore. "But Reboyama-sensei says it's you.. tch but it's still impossible" A student said. But this mere little sentence made the room in chaos.

"YOU DARE INSULT JUUDAIME?!" Gokudera snapped and is now throwing dynamites to the poor students.

Tsuna looked at them in worry as everyone started to run. "HAYATO!" He tried to stop Gokudera but he won't. He is too immersed in blowing the students up.

"EXTREME! Let me join!" Ryohei, well, shouted as he punches the poor wall which is now full of holes.

"Onii-san!" Then Tsuna felt a killer intent leaking behind him. And he immediately knew who it is when it started to speak.

"For disturbing the peace, I will bite you ALL to death" Hibari is now literally biting students to death.

And everyone shivered, looked at him in horror, and ran away to save their sorry butts. "HIBARI-SENPAI! HELP!"

"Maa, maa! You're now destroying the room. Please stop" Yamamoto is really trying hard to calm them down.

"Kufufufu~ What do we have here"

"Mukuro-sama!" And now these two pineapples are here. Great. Just great.

As Hibari felt Mukuro's presence, he attacked him. "Pineapple Herbivores,-" Plural, so the other one, Chrome, will answer him too. Properly. "-What are you doing here?"

"Kufufufu~ It's none of your business. Let's just say, we are already done torturing Tsunayoshi's bullies" Mukuro answered with a twisted grin.

Hibari glared at him and faced Chrome. "You."

Chrome suddenly jumped and looked down. Shy because of the sudden attention. "Ano.. We just want to see how Bossu is doing after we finished our jobs."

Hibari hn'ed and walked away. (Chrome sighed in relief) But when he is near the door, he turned back to Mukuro and... "I'll bite you to death."

"Kufufu~ If you can."


"STOP! JUST STOP!" The one, who is quiet until now, Tsuna, suddenly snapped at the scenes before him. His veins are popping, and his sky flames are already visible. He is in hyper dying will mode. Everyone stopped what they are doing and looked the furious brunet.

As for Hibari, he stopped for a moment and slowly took this as an opportunity to have a decent fight. "Hn. Omnivore" He acknowledge him before attacking with no mercy.

Tsuna, as he doesn't want to fight, reverted to his normal self and ran away. "Hiiieee!"

The ones that are left in the room, especially the students, just stared and are speechless.

"Is that really Dame-Tsuna?"

"He's really scary for a moment there. He's on par with Hibari-senpai."

"Lesson learned. Never piss or annoy Da- Tsuna."

"Sawada-sama! Kyaaa! He's really hot when he's angry! A newfound respect"

While they're rambling about it, all the guardians rolled their eyes and snorted. So now they're respecting him after they bully him? What a joke.

On one quiet corner, there stood three people who are drinking tea... And espresso.

"You should learn from my student sometimes, Dame-Dino. After all, he learns from the best." Reborn smirked. He was really proud of what his student displayed earlier to stop the chaos.

Dino pouted. "Hey! I'm your student too!"

"Yeah, right"

"Reborn-dono, I should learn from him too."

Meanwhile on Tsuna's side, he sneezed.
"Somebody's talking about me behind my back... And it's probably Reborn" He shivered at the thought.

He is under the table in a certain room, hiding from the hungry prefect skylark. That's when he noticed that his ring is glowing brightly.

Tsuna stared at the ring. "Huh? W-what's happening? It never happened before!"
Then a white light engulfed the whole room.

Tsuna woke up in an unknown place. He looked at his surroundings. "Where am I?" Then he heard someone shouted.


Tsuna then had this confused look. "Intruders?" He asked himself. He was sure he was in the Vongola mansion. He tilted his head and saw a red haired man running towards him. "HIIIEEEE!

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