Chapter 8: The predicament of the Tenth Generation Kids

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Chapter 8: The predicament of the Tenth Generation Kids
"Juudaime! Watch out!" Gokudera warned but it was too late. A purple bazooka is flying towards where Tsuna is.
Tsuna could only stare at the purple bazooka. He could not move nor he could dodge. He was only standing there until the bazooka hit him.


All the recipients of the place, mainly the 1st generation people, looked at the pink smoke from the place where Tsuna was. They stared at it until it dissipated and a mop of brown hair can be seen.

Gokudera, one if the very few people who actually knew about the bazooka, ran towards Tsuna. He expected that a ten years later Tsuna will appear behind the smoke but it turns out to be something really unexpected.

"Mama? Papa?"

All of them stared wide eyed even the ones from the future. Did the bazooka had some malfunction? In front of them is a kid no more than five years old who looks exactly like Tsuna.

"Juudaime?" Gokudera asked being the first one to snap out of his shock. This can't be happening, right?

Little Tsuna looked at him and tilted his head in confusion which made all the people nosebleed from the cuteness overload. (Well, it's not like they're going to admit but Tsuna is really cute)

Ryohei, being the extreme guy, didn't even read the situation right that he fist pumped and approached Little Tsuna,well, extremely. "SAWADA! YOU'RE EXTREMELY SMALL!" The others sweatdropped. Had he not realized that Tsuna turned into a child?

Little Tsuna winced at the loud voice and started to shiver in fear. Who are these people? Where is he? He was just playing with his ball in their backyard and the next thing he knew, he's in an unknown place. While the first gen people is still frozen in place since they can't believe that kind of technology, Lambo, who already stopped crying, walked in front the scared Tsuna.

"Arara? What's with this little guy? Do you want to be Lambo-san's subordinate? For that, you're such a scaredy-cat." Lambo mocked causing Tsuna to be more afraid and backed away only to trip (Curse his clumsiness). When he got up, he ran towards Giotto and hid behind his back (Aww.. Cute!). Giotto chuckled at the action and patted him on the head.

Gokudera, on the other hand, had this scary aura surrounding him and moved behind Lambo. "Ahoshi. What do you think you're doing to Juudaime?!" He shouted then picked up Lambo harshly on the back and Lambo struggled.

The frozen Giotto, however, saw this and can't let this slip away. He's just a kid for god's sake. "Gokudera-kun, would you mind letting him go?" He asked gently to not anger the bomber.

"Tch." Was the only thing Gokudera said before throwing the crying Lambo away.
Lambo wailed as he landed on the rough floor. "To...le...RATE!" He picked up the nearby object and threw it upwards. Unfortunately, it didn't hit him. It hit Gokudera.

'Poof' It was the same bazooka that turned Tsuna into a kid.

Pink smoke is all over the place again. G who had already snapped out of trance saw this again and he can't take it anymore. "What the hell is happening?! Last time I checked it was fucking peaceful and now this kind of fucking mess! First that kid and now those brats! Ugh." He cursed and threw a tantrum. He was really lucky that Asari is there to calm him down.

"Maa, maa G. There are kid around you and you don't want them to learn how to curse, right?" Asari said as he patted G's shoulders. G sighed. He can't do anything else now, can he?

"If anything else happens, I'm out of here."
As for Lampo, who was ignored for the whole time, was about to leave them only to get a 'come-back-here' glare from Giotto.
And then, they waited for the smoke to vanish again and when it did, it revealed a silver-haired kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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