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" He said yes! He said that we can change room! I'm so excited! " I said, jumping through the corridor while we were walking to our lessons. I had a big smile on my face and I sang all day long. When the lessons were finished I went to my old room and took all my stuff. It didn't take long because all my clothes were in my suitcase. I said goodbye to Silvia and Alice and went to my new room. Federica was still packing up so I decided to help her but when I touched her dress she snapped:
" Don't you dare touch my dress with those hands. Leave me alone I can do it by myself. "
I let her do everything and when she was finished I waved her goodbye.
" I guess you will take the normal bed. What do you think Giorgia let's give her the normal bed. "
" Yeah it's okay! "
" Thanks " i said. I organized my stuff in a part of the wardrobe like Gaia and Giorgia. Finally we could use it. We went to bed after washing our teeth. The bed was very comfortable but I couldn't sleep, I was thinking about Alex. He is a very kind boy. An hour passed and still I didn't sleep, so I got up and went near the window. The academy was dark the only things that shined were the stars. They were bright and looked like glitter in a black sheet. After I admired the stars I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up with a big smile on the face but as I stood up a girl rushed in my room and shouted:
" Rebecca... your roommates are fighting in the bathroom! " Hearing those words I went to the bathroom to see what was happening. They were fighting only because Gaia took by accident Giorgia's bathing cap. I couldn't believe it. When they finished fighting we went to our first class, Math. Every time we have math I get headaches. I'm not really good at it, but the worse thing is that Silvia is very good at it so she is always at the top of the class and that is so frustrating. After one month of school I got two C- and one D+ in math and that made my mum very mad. The math teacher told me I should get a tutor, he suggested Silvia but I had to find someone else.
At lunch I arrived late and I was the last in line. As my tray was full I searched for Gaia and Giorgia, they were sitting at the same table of Alex and his friends, William and George. When I arrived Alex asked me if I wanted to sit next to him. I was very happy and sat next to him.
" I hate the math teacher! He told me to get a tutor and suggested Silvia. " I said in a frustrated voice.
" Maybe Alex can help you, he is very good at math and his grades are very good he still didn't get less than B. " said Gaia.
" For me it's fine. What do you think Rebecca? "
" I think that's a great idea! " I answered. We finished lunch and went to our dorm because it was Friday and we had only half day of school. I took my phone and saw that there was a message that said:
" If you have any trouble with the math homework just let me know, I'm always free. From Alex. "
I took the math homework, read the title, then opened a pack of crisps. I started eating them while I was finishing the history homework. I took again the math sheet and read the question: " Add or subtract the negative numbers. " I took my pencil case and put in order the pens. At that point I took all my math stuff and started walking to the boys dorm. I searched for room 216, when I found it I knocked on the door and when I hear " Come in " I opened the door and said:
" Hey Alex, I really need help with the negative numbers! Can you help me? "
" Sure. Sit there so we can get started. So... -3 + (-4) equals to...? "
" Negative seven... I think so "
" Yes it write, and -5 - (-2) equals to...? "
" Negative seven... "
" No... The correct answer is -3 because... " we finished the math homework in half an hour, but it seemed only two minutes. That night I dreamed that I was very good in math and is was all thanks to Alex, I also dreamed that me and Alex were boyfriend and girlfriend. It was a beautiful dream. That morning I started thinking that maybe I was starting to like Alex. In class I was very distracted and my eyes always looked at Alex. While we were doing the math homework I tried to sit closer and closer to him and always smiled when I looked at him. One day Gaia and Giorgia asked me a very strange question
" So how is it going with Alex? "
" I don't know what you are talking about! " I answered.
" Come on... we noticed that you like Alex. So how is it going... are you boyfriend and girlfriend? "
" No! We are just friends " While we were talking Silvia rushed in the room and shouted:
" Don't you dare go again out with my Alex. I don't care if you are not good in math and he is your tutor, I like him and you have to leave him alone! Okay? "
" Excuse me! I can decide with who I want to spend my time and you are not going to stop me doing the math homework with Alex. He is my tutor and you will have to like this idea, we have to see each other to study not to go to a Saint Valentine party. Now leave our room we don't want annoying guests. " I shouted. Silvia left our room saying:
" You do not know what I'm capable of doing to people that make me angry. "
The days passed and every Wednesday afternoon me and Alex would meet in the outside table to do the math homework. With Alex as a tutor my grades increased. In the last test I got my first A- I was very happy and when I received the test I thanked Alex. In some math classes Alex asked me to sit next to him. Unfortunately when I turned and looked at Silvia she had an angry face and stared at me. I didn't care, I was very happy to be sitting next to Alex. In the evening sometime Alex, Gaia, Giorgia, William, George and I went to have dinner together in different restaurants, in the school. Our favorite restaurant was the sushi and Japanese restaurant. We all started become good friends and spent lots of time together.
The Halloween party arrived and I was dressed as a witch, Alex was dressed as a zombie. The party was very nice. We danced all night, ate candies and cake, drank coke and tried to scared other people. At eleven o'clock we had to go back to the dorm. Outside it was dark and Gaia and Giorgia were already gone so Alex decided to bring me to my dorm.
" It was a nice party! " he said.
" Yeah, it was great. I loved the music. "
When we arrived in front of my room we said goodbye and then Alex did a very strange, but nice thing. He hugged me and then left. I was to happy to notice that Silvia saw the scene and was very angry.
During a math class, I was sitting near Alex, I received a letter that said:

Stop being Alex friend. You are warned , leave him alone. Okay?
From your worse enemy.

This was the worse letter I ever received, but I ignored it. After recess I open my jacket, took the phone and noticed that there was a red card in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was a heart.
Who on earth would ever give me a red heart?

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