Chapter One "What the hell"

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Tangs POV!
"Pigsy I'll be fine, no need to worry about me!" I told pigsy over the phone "plus it's just a few books, I will be back in a jiffy! No worries." Then I hung up, and headed towards the library to grab the two new books I wanted to check out! But I feel if I'm being watched.. meh it's fine, I walk in the library to see that the old women waiting for someone?
??? POV
I watch this man when he went into the store.. then followed in my ghost form, then decided to give him the book cause the court think he can help with a "little someone". I don't think that but it's my job, and I can't say no.. . Plus why do I have to do this? I don't want to die in the hands of 'ThEm'! Though I do wanna see how He fight Them. I take form into an old women at the front desk, while he looked around. I yelled "Hello Sir welcome back to Pokies books how may I help you today?" He responded "I'm here to check out this two books today, also are you a new worker cause I've been here multiple times?" He asked. I respond "yeah just started a week ago, I got bored at home cause my daughter is on a work trip!" "Oooh okay, sorry to here that. Also what's that book next to you?"  "Oh this book? Yeah this is a book about the new country religion! It's really scary and cool, I can give you this one for free if you'd like?" "Sure why not!" (Never trust old lady's tang 😒)
Mei's POV
"So what your saying, this old lady gave you a free book?" Pigsy asked "yeah?!" Tang responded confident/confused. "I don't know Tang, it could be a bomb or-or a evil spell book!!" I yelled excited!
(P.S (G/o) is (God of) or (Guardian of))
Me and Mk grabbed the book and saw many terrible and terrifying things, and screamed out of horror. "What the hell, IS THAT THING?!!" Mk yelled scared. Tang picked up the book and saw.. A (F/a) (favorite terrifying animal) ? Thats weird it crossed over a character named (E/n) (enemy name). I grabbed the book from Tang and sat the book down and called "it a day of reading it!" Mk and me, plus Tang went out to go grab smoothies!
Pigsy POV
Ive had decided to just leave the book on the table, I wanted to read it but I felt a weird feeling like I don't need to?
Why is Tang so stupid I thought "well that very nice is it?" I heard someone say. "What the hell" I whispered while holding my head from the pain. Then it ended I opened my eyes to find a person passes out on the floor! Burning? Like steam? Till I realized the book 📕 exploded 💥 but only two pages were burned in the process! I went to check out the person or thing! Or whatever the hell it is?! And I found it had (S/n)(skin color) (Y/f) (Your form) I was surprised to see (T/s) (tattoos symbols)! Then I realized and a tattoo that looked like (F/a) The one Tang saw in the book. I went to grab the burned pages and found two names (E/n) and (Y/n) but only saw a picture of (E/n), and I'm guessing the person in the floor is (Y/n)?

End of chapter 1

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