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He was standing over her bed, trying to muster the courage to wake her up, cursing that he chose to do this.

Ray had waken up from another nightmare, but couldn't get back to sleep. This had happened many times before, he was used to getting not enough sleep each night. But lately he'd been getting soft. His first thought was to seek his best friend and roommate's help, maybe she'll be able to comfort him; the same scenario had happened multiple times before but in reverse, Emma having nightmares about the demons and the House and the uncertain future and Ray cuddling with her until she had let her worries out and finally fell asleep. And maybe when he woke up this time, he had wondered if she would do the same for him. He really was getting soft.

Ray sighed, knowing that he couldn't just stand here in vacillation forever, so he took a deep breath, and shook Emma's shoulder. She groggily turned her head toward him, blinking her eyes open. "...Ray? What's wrong?" She slurred. Ray was already cursing himself for waking her up, she had been sleeping so peacefully without having to deal with him or his problems. Damnit, I could've just dealt with this on my own.

"I... had a nightmare..." he mumbled. Suddenly, Emma grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bed with her, her sleepiness apparently forgotten. She wrapped her arms around him, drenching him in warmth, and he nervously did the same. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Emma asked, looking into his eyes with concern.

"...First can we just hug a bit longer?" Ray whispered out. He knew that it was irrational to think so, but he was scared she'd say no and force him out of the bed. Which was stupid, it really was, they're already snuggling under the covers like clingy toddlers. But he still felt a wave of relief when Emma smiled in response and held him closer, his head moving to rest against the crook of her neck.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, wrapped in each other's arms, until Ray blurted out, "It was about mama." He felt Emma tense against him, probably being assaulted in her mind with her own horrific memories of Isabella. "What about her?" Emma whispered. Ray gulped. "Just... remembering her. All the years I had to play spy in order to make the tracker disabling device. She may have worn a loving mask around the rest of you, at least for most of your lives, but for me, she was always cold, calculating, punishing me for my mistakes. She was horrible, awful... her memory haunts me. A lot."

"And... I'm scared that I'll become like her someday."

He couldn't see Emma's expression, but he felt her start to run a hand through his hair, comforting him. "That will never happen," she murmured into his hair. "You'll never be like her. She was warm, kind, caring, but it was all a mask, it was all fake. You're warm, kind, caring for real. You're nothing like her."

At her words, he felt his worries begin to dispel. But there was still one thing, one major thing that Emma was missing.

Ray didn't know how to start this. He'd never told anyone about his genetics before, but felt the need to let her know now.

"You're wrong... I am like her, in a way."

Emma pulled his head up, so they were facing each other. He could see her confused frown as she asked, "What do you mean?"

"Mama..." Ray began shakily. "She... was my mother. My real mother."

Emma still seemed confused at first, the gears in her brain turning, until she gasped, horror evident in her face. "Biologically?"

Ray nodded. He noticed Emma's eyes travel to his hair, to the shape of his face, probably noticing the physical similarities for the first time. "I don't want to be like her," he started again. "I don't want to ever be like her. I don't want to hurt anyone or give anyone nightmares. But..."

He grabbed the hand in his hair and turned it so he could see her palm, looking for the burnt spot where she caught the match. Of course, it was gone by now, as the day of their escape was a few months ago. But still, his mind projected the image of the patch of burnt flesh that had adorned her hand for weeks. "You have nightmares about what I did, when I tried to... y'know... don't argue with me, you talk in your sleep, I know. I've already hurt you like this... I'm not worth-"

He was cut off by Emma grabbing his face. "Ray," she said, trying to give him a smile to reassure him. But he could hear the shakiness of her voice, and see tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "You're worth everything."

And now Ray was crying too, the love and acceptance in Emma's eyes and voice overwhelming him. He'd never felt loved like this, never felt like he mattered to others. Hearing her words, his problems didn't disappear completely, but they felt trivial in this moment, as he hugged her tighter and buried his head in the crook of her neck again, Emma resuming combing his hair through her fingers. He was so overcome with gratefulness that she was alive, that she was here with him, that he was alive to be here with her. A shaky laugh erupted from him. Emma paused in her actions, startled from his sudden reaction. "Sorry, I just- I haven't really heard that before... and- I'm glad you're here..." his laughter mixed with his sobs. Emma let out a soft laugh if her own, and rested her forehead against his. "I'm glad you're here too. We all are... never forget that."

They laid there, now silent except for their slowing breathing and soft sobs coming to an end. As Ray felt the promise of a peaceful sleep overtake him, he whispered "I love you, Emma." With the last of his consciousness, he thought he heard her say the same. He knew he wouldn't have any more nightmares that night.

RayEmma OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now