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RayEmma Week 2022—Day 4: Dance

Ray had gotten used to the constant research and planning at an early age, first for an escape and suicide plan, then for trips into the forest, including Goldy Pond, Cuvitidala, and the many expeditions to the demon cities. It had been a helpful asset, having the stamina and will to keep charging onwards with the studies, while other members of the group like Don and Emma would be more scattered and less analytical (though after a while she too got the hang of it. She manages to get the hang of everything). Sacrificing sleep and health supposedly weren't the best things, but they helped get the job done, which is all Ray needed.

But it turns out that getting out of that habit is a lot harder than getting in.

They'd finally reached the Paradise Hideout a few days ago, and so far everything was running smoothly. The older kids were helping around the hideout with repairs and services, the younger children running across the criss-crossing walkways of the hideout. Ray and Emma themselves had spent the previous night catching up with Norman, now that they know he's alive.

But this evening, Norman was busy and nothing else needed to be done, so Ray sank into the plush bed in the room he was offered and opened a book, trying to relax. The keyword here being 'trying', because apparently that was difficult.

Ray couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and anxiety he usually got whenever they'd take a break from researching. He still felt like he should be doing something, but there wasn't anything to do.

The door opened, so softly that most people probably wouldn't have heard the muffled creak. Though having spent the past two years or so in a demon-infested forest that wanted to kill them, Ray had gotten pretty good at noticing sounds.

Setting down his book—still open to the first page–he turned to the door, seeing an uneasy-looking Emma closing the door behind her as carefully as she opened it. "What's the matter," Ray questioned; he knew she'd been exploring with Gillian and Anna earlier, but judging by how troubled she looked something must have soured her mood.

"Nothing really," she said with a small laugh, then quieted. "I just can't shake off the feeling that we shouldn't be relaxing."

Ray sighed. He should have realized they were so in sync at this point that even their insecurities would line up. "Guess we're worried about the same thing, then."

"Eh? You too?" Emma asked, surprised. Ray snickered. "You look like a tortoise."

Emma let out an indignant snort. "I come to your room for comfort and instead you insult me. I'm hurt, Ray." Though while saying this, she made her way over to the corner of the room where his bed was nestled in, and plopped down on the edge. Ray himself sat up and joined her at the edge of the bed, their shoulders lightly touching in a way that sent fireworks up his arm.

"Well, I have the same anxieties as you so I doubt I can be much comfort," Ray muttered in monotone, quirking an eyebrow.

Emma only smiled at that. "Actually, I have a favor of you to ask."

"What is it?"

Bed creaking beneath her, she hopped up to her feet in front of Ray. "While I was looking around earlier, I saw this one book. It seemed like some fantasy book, but what caught my eye was the cover. There were two people dressed very fancily doing a waltz."

Ray was confused as to how any of this was related to why she came to his room. "You've lost me."

"Well, I was just thinking..." Emma whirled around on her feet and paused standing in front of Ray, a hand outstretched. "What if we danced?"

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