Chapter 34 - Christmas

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Elmela's POV:

I woke up not on cold metal floor of the Decepticons' ship. I was lying on something softer and something small was lying on me. I slowly opened my eyes and closed them immediately because they were hurting from my eye contacts. I slowly took them out and finally opened my eyes. Distance was blurry for me, but I didn't bother with it. I looked at who was lying on me, and it was Pterry. Does that mean I am back on the Ark? Home? Did Richard truly save me? No, I don't believe that he wouldn't make me unconsciousness then. I looked around my room, but no one was here. I looked outside my window and saw how beautifully snowed. I turned to that side and enjoyed the beautiful view. Pterry cuddled with me more, so I put my weak hand around him. Autobots must have saved me, I cannot explain it other way. But I am thankful for it. Finally at home with family, friends, Pterry. I looked under my bedsheets, I as in pyjama's. I think Michaela changed the clothes.

But it didn't last long, and I heard that somebody opened the door from my room and came in, closing the door after him. I turned to see who it was and noticed it was Drift. I softly smiled and he – in his holoform – gave me the smile back. "Ah, El, what did they even do to you?" he asked and sat next to me on the berth. He caressed my cheek and I softly inclined to his touch. "How many times did they paralyses you?" he asked. Probably, they let Hound to check me if I am okay. That's fitting for sire. "I don't know, many?" I unsurely said. I wasn't completely sure how many. I only knew it hurt. Even my voice sounded exhausted because I screamed during every paralysation. Drift took his hand away and sadly sighed. "You're still exhausted. You should rest through recharge." He recommended. "O-okay. But you go to r-rest too." I said, but he got his eyebrows down and said, "I won't, I must protect you." He said with his soft tune that always made me calm. "Then I w-won't go as well." I spoke. "El, but..." "No but, Drift. Nothing on the A-Ark will hurt me." I interrupted him. He sighed and stood up. "Fine. I'll go because I want you to rest. We'll talk tomorrow and I'll take you to the mall." He waved at me and left. When doors closed, I sadly sighed. He's always so caring and is making sure that his beloved ones are comfortable and safe before his. I must tell him this or he would never rest. I hope I won't find him here at the morning sitting, reading my book. Then I'll know he wasn't sleeping. I slowly closed my eyes and after a while, I fall asleep again.


I woke up around eight AM by crashing out my room. It truly surprised me, so I sat up and opened my eyes. I looked around and no one was in my room. That made me sure that Drift listened to me and rested. I was curious what was the crushing out of my room. I slowly stood from my berth, wore my slippers, and came to the door. I was listening for a while behind them, then slowly opened them, and noticed Sunstreaker on the ground. What happened to him?! I quickly came to his cybertronian form and grabbed his cheek plates. He didn't even open his optics. He would normally push me away or something. Nothing now. Is he unconsciousness? I don't know. "Sunstreaker?" I softly asked, but he said nothing back. "Help. Hello! Help!" I screamed in hope that somebody heard me. No one answered. It truly startled me. "HELP!" I screamed louder and hoped that finally someone heard it.

After a while, sire came and looked down at me. "El? Did something happen to you? What's with Sunstreaker?" he sounded scared, what's not normal for him. Father fear, maybe? "I-I don't know... I woke up by crushing, so I went out, and he was lying there. He isn't reacting to anything!" I started panicking because I don't care how it between me and Sunstreaker, he is my family. Autobots on the Ark are my family when they work with my sire. Sire sighed, took Sunstreaker around shoulders and helped him on his feet. Sunstreaker still didn't react. I stepped aside in the meantime and looked at him. He left, but said, "Go back to your berthroom, sparkling. I'll be there in a minute." "No, I'll go with you." I said, but I wasn't sounding sure. He turned his head towards me and said, "Go back to your berthroom, these my last words!" He sounded angrier. I sighed and went back to my room.

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