Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

As I ran into the woods my leg just kept getting weaker and weaker and I knew I had to phase to heal it but I couldn't stop because I can hear the wolves running after me and so I just ran but then when I came to a large field I tripped and hurt my foot even more and so I cried out screams of pain and then I heard growling and so I looked up and I saw 9 wolves circle me and a man standing in front of them all and so I gasped and I backed away scared and I said please don't hurt me.

Then the man said its ok no one is going to hurt you I am Sam what's your name and I said my name is Isabella but I get called Bella and Sam said well Isabella we just came to see if you are ok because it's not everyday us wolves hear a howl we haven't heard before especially since your wolf comes from our tribe and I gasped and remembered my real family they are people from the reservation.

So then I said yeah well from what I know my parents were from the la push reservation I was give up by them when I was a child and since then I have lived with a vampire family and then I heard growls from the wolves and I growled back and said they loved me they didn't care I was a wolf and to tell you the truth I didn't care they were vampires they were my family and now they are dead.

Then Sam said oh my I'm so sorry and I said yeah well I've been coping I came to Forks to find my adopted family I mean all I know about them is that they have 3 other children and then I heard a whine and Sam said Jacob calm down and I said what's wrong with him and I pointed to the wolf that whined and Sam said nothing he just knows who your parents are in fact we all do.

So then I gasped and smiled and said what really you do well who is it and Sam said their names are Sarah and Billy Black however Sarah died 2 years ago and I frowned and said oh ok and then Sam said I'm so sorry Bella and something else to and then I said ok what and Sam said Jacob then wolf that whined is in fact your brother.

Then I gasped and said oh my and then Sam said you also have 2 sisters who don't live on the reservation any more and I said well I don't care about that but do you think I can meet my father and my brother in human form and Sam said yeah we just need to go back to the reservation and I said oh right ok.

Then Sam phased and he howled and as he did I smiled and said let's go and then I phased as I ripped my clothes and then me and the wolves ran towards the reservation where I would meet my father and my brother and the pack and hopefully someday my sisters if they ever come home.

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