Chapter Eight

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Gloria is even more incredulous when I take her aside and tell her about our possible departure. "You must be mad!" She scolds in a harsh whisper. "The virch is down! The wing and gondola may have been overstressed! You know all the checks and examinations that would have to take place before the dridge's airworthiness certificate could be reinstated! You can't just refill the wing and float away! You'll lose your licence! We'll lose our licences!"

"I'm not going to force you to fly; and I'll make sure any of your objections are noted. You'll be in the clear whatever happens. Besides, I'm invoking IAEP. That should cover us if we ever have to face an Inquiry."

My stress on the if visibly shocks her. "What's going on?" She asks with concern.

"It's the reason I'm even considering this." I reply. "From what I can gather the problems are worldwide, and here would be the wrong place to sit it out and wait for normality to be restored. I'm not so sure things are going to be sorted out quickly, so that's why I want to be ready to leave if things turn sour here. I think we'd all want to get home."

"But that blimp nearly got us killed!"

"I don't intend to commit suicide. If I don't think it's safe we won't fly." Looking across the floor of the departure hall which has now become an impromptu passenger dormitory, I change the subject. "How are they bearing up? Have they been fed yet?"

"No; we were promised something would be done for us, but so far nothing has happened. Instead all the kiosks have been closed; I think it's to conserve supplies."

"It wouldn't surprise me to find that Haradursson ordered it, just to make us feel more unwelcome. I'll get something done about it. The Director of Operations appears to be about as much use as a chocolate teapot so I'll get the final flight meal servings unloaded from the Albatross and heated somehow. Don't tell anyone yet, just in case I run into problems, but let Raul and the crew in on it so they can get things organised when the time comes."


"And did you all keep hold of your stunners?"

"Yes; no one asked us to surrender them."

"Good! Don't give them up unless I tell you to. Just keep them out of sight for now, relations with our hosts are strained enough already."

"Do you think they'll get worse?" She asks.

"I don't know, but have you noticed the guards since their shift change?"


"Well look at that one over there. What do you notice about him?"

"Now I see!" Gloria replies in a hushed but shocked whisper.

"Yes; he looks like he's ready for trouble, isn't he? You don't often see sky cops wearing that sort of rig, do you?"


"I'm getting the impresssion the management expect the lid to blow off here at some point soon. I'd better get over to the Albatross and see what's happening. You're in charge here; don't take any crap from the airport staff if you can avoid it without kicking off any trouble; and if things begin to unravel try to get a message to me."

"I will!"

"You know where I'll be. I'll let you know what's happening as soon as I can." With that I head for the nearest staff desk. The more I sense this atmosphere of barely supressed panic, the sooner I want to be far away from here; even if the only way out is on a ship I'd have to mad to fly in given its present state.

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