Twin Telepathy

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"Am I seeing doubles all around or something?" Cameron joked as he was looking at the group of twins we made for an experiment, but the Dolan twins and my sister and I will be in his actual video. My sister and i are YouTubers. We thought having a twin day out with some of the other twins we became friends with that are YouTubers. Cameron didn't want to leave me so he joined us. I asked him to bring Nash so they can be "twins" too. We laughed as they ware the odd ones out. "You guys are all identical too.." Nash stated.

We called up Jack&Finn, Grayson&Ethan, and Luke&Jai. If you didn't know who we were, you would have a really difficult time of figuring out who is who. There are small differences between us all. We are different people with different personalities, but we look the same on the outside. "Let's do some activities." We did a bunch of stuff at the park. Three legged races, egg and spoon, a bunch of challenges and stupid fun stuff. We did many videos on each of our channels including Nash and Cam.

"y/n, i think it'll be a good time to film the twin telepathy between you girls and the dolan twins." We looked over at the group. We have been fooling around for several hours. Most of them had to leave anyways, so it was good timing. All that was left was the Grayson, Ethan, my twin sister, Nash, Cam, and I. "okay, let's head back to my place to film Twin Telepathy for #20daysofdallas" I whispered to my sister to prank the boys. "before we go, we just need to use the washroom really quick." they all nod in response as we run to the small bathroom.

"we are going to ask the Grayson and Ethan for piggyback rides, but we are going to switch clothes.. I just want to trick Cameron haha!" My sister laughed, "evil..but let's do it! It'll be hilarious!" The few times that Cameron first met my sister, he got mixed up a lot and couldn't tell the different. He's gotten better, but there's still those times where he thought I was her, and she was me. "Let's see if he can tell. Pretend to be each other so he'll have an even tougher time." We switched clothes then ran out back to the boys. We jumped on Grayson and Ethan's back unexpected. "Woah!" they yelled almost falling over. We just laughed and whispered in their ears our plan. They quietly agreed to help us. Twins help twins right? Yep.

We both pretended to fall asleep on their backs, so we wouldn't be talking. Cameron would have to be lucky and pick me. Did I forget to tell you, my sister and I share everything. As we grow older we do have different stuff, but mostly we share. We like it that way. We have always been really close even when we were younger. C'mon we shared a womb together, what would you expect. "Yo, Cam! Nash! Want to take your girlfriend's off our backs for us? We don't want to wake them.Take them to the car, so they feel more comfortable." They were a bit ahead of us, but I heard two pairs of feet jog back towards us. I felt large hands lift me up bridal style. hmm warm.

I peaked my eye open to see Cameron's face above mine. Even though we only switched a few accessories and clothing, he got lucky. I quickly closed my eyes before Cameron could see that I was awake. Before I did, I peaked over to see my sister doing the same to Nash. We 'woke' up next to each other on the boys lap. my sister pretended to be me. "Cam? Why are you holding my sister? I thought I was your girlfriend.." Panick flashed across his face. "" I felt a bit bad to do this to him, but at the same time it was a bit funny to watch. "Nash? Why do you have my sister?" Amusement flashed in his eyes. I think the Dolan twins told him our plan. He decided to help us by going on pretending to be panicked. "um..." We both sat up from their laps. "Forget it." We both crossed our arms. Grayson was driving, Ethan in the passenger seat as the four of us were squished in the back.

I began to poke Cameron's cheek. "We're just kidding Cam. I am your girlfriend..right?" He looked me over again carefully. He leant his head now to sniff me? Weird. He leant down and kissed my lips softly, pulling away slightly. "Yes, yes you are." Nash kissed my sister. "Gosh! Why are you guys doing this to me?" I laughed. "Gray and Eth were on it." He looked over at Nash, "were you in on it too?" He shrugged, "yeah he was, but at the last minute." He leant his head back against the head rest. "whyy?" he whined. "remember those times when you first came to my house and thought (twin sister name) was me? funny times indeed." Cameron covered his eyes in embarrassment. "oh my gosh. not again..I said I was sorry" I kissed the corner of his mouth "i know" he kissed my cheek, "well, I know to watch you now so in case you pull something like this again. I can also tell the difference for you guys now too." I rested my head on his shoulder, "It won't happen again, I promise" He smiled, "good."

Once we got to the house, they had a set of questions as well as a row of different stuff to throw at our faces. We began to film. I laughed when Cameron was trying to pronounce the word telepathy but couldn't.

"First thing you notice about a girl / boy" 1, 2, 3.."eyes" all of us said at the same time. "woaah!" we all said in sync. Cameron screamed out "no! Start our easy and hit me with the cupcakes." We all shrugged as we all held up two cupcakes each. We smashed it all over his face. It was hilarious. I kissed his lips where all the icing was. "mm tastes good." He smirked, "you mean I taste good?" I shook my head, "nope. the icing tastes good." He laughed, "okay, continuing on."

"Name a candy" 1,2,3.."snickers" "mars" was said from Dolan's then "coffee crisp was said by us. We laughed "yeah buddy!" Cameron hit them in the face with whip cream while we hit him in the face with it too. "You guys look like marshmallows!"

"Pick an animal" 1,2,3.."monkey" "giraffe" dolan twins says and my sister and I say "dolphin" "lion" Cameron just laughed hysterically at all of our faces. "nooo" we all screamed. He decided to hit us all with BBQ sauce. "ooh it smells."

I think my sister and I were doing fine. The Dolan twins on the other hand weren't. They kept saying different answer resulting in them getting covered in more and more stuff. "Favourite pizza topping" 1,2,3.."Pineapple" we all scream. We all looked at each other "yes!" "no!!" Cam screamed, he was getting covered in a lot of the stuff too thanks to us. We chose to cover him with salad dressing. He lifted up his shirt for a little bit which made me just stare at his abs. Couldn't help it hehe.

"Name a state" 1,2,3.."new jersey" "porter house..oh i thought you said steak." We all looked over at Grayson like what? Everyone laughed at his mistake. "I thought you said steak, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" Grayson spoke.

"Name a country" 1,2,3.."USA" "New Jersey" Dolan twins said. "Canada" we said. We looked over at each other "We're on a roll sister" we high-fived. "New jersey really?" we all looked at them while cracking up. "i thought you said New Jersey too and I was like what?" Cameron said as he made a WTF look.

"Oprah, Dr. Phil or Ellen" 1,2,3.."Oprah" "Ellen" they said different answers again. "Ellen" we both scream happily. Cameron smacked both of them.

"Best place to take a girl on a date" 1,2,3.."Pizza" "movies" they said once again. "beach" we replied instantly, looking over at each other once again amazed. "we're so much better at this than you guys" we laughed at Grayson and Ethan as they stuck out their tongue. "pizza? Best place to take a girl out on a date is pizza" Cameron asked. "PIZZA!" was said.

"Name a color" 1,2,3.."red" "blue" "pink" "green" was said around the room. Cameron just laughed, "Yes!" he pumped a fist in the air as he grabbed a handful of stuff to throw at each of us.

"Name a type of dog" 1,2,3.."german shepherd" "Rottweiler" "husky" was said. We were jumping around in joy. Cameron stared at the Dolan twins "Are you sure your twins?" He asked jokingly.

"Well, guys as you can see the Dolan twins aren't actually twins, but y/n and her sister are!" He teased. "Just kidding, we also learned that there's no such thing as twin telepathy" we all chuckled at each other since we are all piled in food.

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