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"toby- toby wake up! we're about to land" i whisper, shaking my brother awake from my shoulder.

he groans, "i feel disgusting."

"it's a 20 hour flight, we're going to feel gross."

suddenly, he gasps. he points at the window, and i look.

hawaii is the most gorgeous place i've ever seen. as the plane slowly gets closer to the ground, i see white sand beaches, palm trees, the whole island experience.

"ladies and gentlemen here's an aloha from hawaii, we've officially landed." there's a scatter of applause from the seats as the pilot announces.

i ignore my jelly legs as we walk through the airport, getting our bags. wilbur and tommy are supposed to meet us at the escalator, and i could not be more nervous.

"are you excited to meet tommy?" toby asks, grabbing my bag for me

"thanks- and he's your best friend? aren't you excited?" i counter

he gets his own suitcase, "i've met tommy before, a few times. this is your first. fair warning, he's taller than you think."

we walk towards the escalator, and there they are. the blonde is looking around, the brunette immediately seeing us.

he nudges tommy, and his blue eyes meet mine.

we share a grin, and toby and i run towards them.

"ELLO BRITS" tommy yells as he engulfs us into a hug

wilbur laughs, "tommy they may need to breathe"

"BREATHING IS FOR THE WEAK," but nonetheless were released.

toby and will hug, leaving me and tommy.

he looks down at me, "your so much shorter than i thought,"

"i am 5'5 thank you very much. it's not my fault you are a giant." i cross my arms

he opens his mouth to insult me back, but wilbur interrupts, giving me a side hug.

"how was the plane natalie?"

we start walking through the airport, "good, but i swear i cannot feel my legs right now" i laugh

"oi, i can help. hop on." tommy commands, motioning for me to jump on his back.

i do, and i swear i feel like i am 20 feet in the air. man is tall.

"LAST TO THE CAR HAS TO LOAD BAGS" he yells, and starts running.

"TOMMY!" i laugh, keeping my arms wrapped around him, "YOUR GOING TO RUN INTO PEOPLE."

we must look like total idiots, running through the airport with me on his back.

we reach the car, only to find out toby and will, are not racing, and there was no need to run.

out of breathe, tommy let's me hop off his back, "welcome to hawaii" he gasps

i open the car door, "i miss britain."

"me too. fuck america," he slides in next to me

suddenly, we're interrupted by toby and wilbur opening the trunk.

"buckle up, it's an hour ride to the air bnb." will grins

i sigh, i'm ready to pass out from exhaustion.

i pull up a map on my phone- all the street names mixing , "tommy, which one is Hamoa street?"

his jaw drops, "no way."

i furrow my brows, "what?"

"YOUR DYSLEXIC TOO?" he bursts out laughing

i punch his arm, "duh, he's my twin. it's genetic." but i can't help but laugh along with tommy.

his laughs contagious.

more dyslexic jokes are made, then the car ride gets more quiet.

wilbur's music is playing up front, toby sleeping in the passenger seat. tommy and i are having calm conversation, saving our energy for when we get to the air bnb.

"yeah and the house looked so nice online- we can all go to the beach, the pool, there's so many cool cliffs to jump off. it is going to be so much fun," i ramble excitedly,

tommy doesn't answer, he just stares at me with a grin on his face.

i smile back, "what?"

"it's just-" he shakes his head, "i still can't comprehend that you guys are here, like your actually sitting a foot away from me."

i fake gasp, "the tommyinnit is happy to see me? i've really made it in life."

wilbur turns around in his seat, "alright gang, we're approaching the house."

i turn to the window, and oh. my. god. before me is the prettiest house i've ever seen.

it has two floors, i'm assuming a third for a basement. it's modern, with palm trees lacing the front. the greenery in front is the rich person bushes, a pond with a fountain in the middle.

i knew dream was rich, but i didn't know he was THIS rich.

my jaw drops, "what. the. fuck."

tommy laughs as we park, "i haven't even seen the inside yet. i got here then turned around to come pick you lot up."

we run out of the car, grabbing our bags as quick as we can.

799 words

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