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(Tw: Angst, Mention of Abuse, and Homophobia.)

        Travis hissed as he winced at the alcohol on his cut, pulling away from the cotton ball that was in Sal's hands. "Trav, please," Sal said softly, his tone being sympathetic. "I know it hurts, but I'm trying to be quick."
          "Well hurry up," Travis snapped unintentionally, Sal sighing slightly. He knew he didn't mean to be rude. Sal cupped Travis' cheek gently, Travis flinching again. His expression turned from once of annoyance to one of shock. His blackened eyes looked at Sal, watching him closely as he continued to clean Travis' injuries. He barely winced as Sal cleaned the cut on his cheek. As Sal went to pull away, Travis quickly grabbed his wrist. Sal jumped slightly as Travis pressed Sal's hand back against his cheek, screwing his eyes shut as his leaned into his gentle touch. For once, he enjoyed the feeling of someone's hand against his face. Sal frowned gently under his mask, eyes beginning to sting with tears as he stared at the blonde before him. "Move in with me," he blurted out. Travis opened his eyes, locking them with Sal's. "What?" He asked, furrowing his brows as if he was confused as to why Sal would ever say such a thing.
          "Babe, please...," Sal continued, leaning forward a bit as he cupped Travis' other cheek. "I can't let you go back and wake up the next day wondering if he killed you or not. Please, move in with me and Larry."
          "Why do you care?" Travis muttered, glancing away from Sal's gaze. His brown eyes began to swim with tears of their own, nor being able to prevent them from streaming down his face. "Because I love you, Travis Phelps," Sal said, Travis' eyes snapping back in his direction.
          "What?" He hissed. Sal and Travis had been dating for a couple months now, but the only people that knew were Larry, Ash, and Todd. This was the first time Sal had ever told Travis he loved him, them trying to take things slow and less 'lovey-dovey' so that Travis' father never found out. Sal tensed, unsure if what he had said was wrong. "You heard me," Sal spoke. "I said I love you." Travis blinked, expression of genuine shock being on his bruised face. His lip trembled slightly. It had been so long since he had heard those words from someone.
          "Prove it," Travis breathed, furrowing his brows again. He seemed to be a bit agitated now. "What?–"
          "Fucking PROVE IT," Travis boomed, Sal flinching at how loud his voice suddenly got. Travis' eyes immediately widened, even more tears filling them. "Oh my god...oh my god, I–I'm sorry." Sal's hands fell from Travis' face as the male pulled back, burying his face in his hands as he began to sob. "I–I'm sor–ry," he choked out. "I–I didn't mean t–to– please, please don't be mad," he pleaded, not being aware of what Sal was doing. "I–I just‐ it's so much– I just want it to stop. Why won't it sto–"
          He gasped gently as he was yanked forward by the front of his shirt, puffy red eyes widening as he felt something press firmly against his lips. He blinked a couple of times, trying to process what was going on. Wait, where was Sal's mask?
          Sal's face was slightly covered by his long blue bangs, Travis being able to notice a few scars on his skin. He felt as Sal's hand slowly drifted up from his shirt to cup his cheek again. It somehow brought the distraught male to immediate ease, his tear filled eyes beginning to slowly flutter shut. He leaned into the kiss as his eyes fully shut, hands resting on the mattress beneath them. Sal was proving to him that he did, indeed, love him.

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