chapter 1 | the bakery patch

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Darryl POV
The dinner table was rather quiet. My parents and my 2 brothers just silently ate their toast, we ran out of gluten free toast so i just had to snack on a fruit bowl. Having a gluten free allergy SUCKED. Being limited to certain kinds of foods wasn't the best.

The sounds of them biting into the crunchy toast softly spread by jam and butter filled the room, me chewing on a slice of banana was rather quiet. All of a sudden my father started to speak. "I've got some competion with another company."

Everyone stops chewing. My mother gives him the look of what's-wrong? "The Ahmed bakery is opening right across the road from ours." He finishes. "So?" I ask with confusion, "What do you "So?" Darryl?! This is huge, they are gonna take all of our profit!" He slams his hands against the table. Making all the cutlery tremble and make slight clanging noises.

"I'm sure honey it'll be fine, what happens if they're nice? Come on boys let's start homeschooling." My mother assures my father. We all stand up and place our dishes into the sink, I hated homeschooling. I wanted what a real adolescent would experience, making friends and going to school. But I couldn't have any of that, the only 2 places I was in daily was our family owned bakery and our middle class 2 storey house.

We all sat at our desks, 3 desks sat at a row placed against the wall. I sat in the middle. In between of my 11 year old brother Charlie and my other brother Mason, he's 14. And I just turned 17.

Years ago I would be all hyped up for my birthday but now I don't really care. Every since I turned 15 no one really cares anymore, I get told happy birthday and have 1 muffin of my choice. That's it.

As soon as we finished our work we got sentenced to go visit the bakery, our father already started to do his work. We all headed out the house, me and my brothers were still in our pyjamas. We walked to the bakery, it was only an eight minute walk from our house.

When we arrived I felt my legs getting sore. I sat outside of our family's bakery, sitting on one of the steps while the rest of my family were inside, I looked up right across the road to see a wide large sign placed against the door, written in bug black bold letters were "AHMED BAKERY. OPENING ON THE 17TH OF NOVEMBER!" I look at my flip phone, yes. A flip phone.

For my 12th birthday I begged for a phone. And I did get one, but instead it was some stupid little phone with a few buttons and a screen I could barely look in into.

I sigh and check the date, 16th of November.

Perfect. I thought, I look behind me to see my brothers playing with some basketball, while my mother kept shouting at them to go play outside with it instead. I look up and tilt my head a bit to see our sign.

The bakery patch.

I chuckle at the name. During the time it was just me and Mason, our father made us choose a name for the new bakery we were opening. My brother who was younger then me at the time said something stupid like "Bakery." I don't really remember but close enough, a small memory of mine tells me I exclaimed "Bake Patch!"

I guess my father just took the ideas he was given and improvised from there.

604 words

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