Chapter 1: Strange

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I'm on my way to the pack meeting at Derek's loft and I drop my phone. I go to grab it and after I look up, I'm blinded. I swerve the wheel and I jerk crashing into a tree. I black out and when I come to, I'm still blinded. 

Once my eyes adjust to the room I sit up and my eyes widen seeing I'm in some old-fashioned room. There's a knock and I get up to answer. I open the door seeing a stranger and they say, "Come on Richie we got to go." 

I squint giving him a confused look and I ask, " Who are you?" The guy gives me a look before shrugging and he answers "Richie we don't have time for your games. Get dressed and let's go." 

He turns to leave, and I slowly shut the door shaking my head. I look around the room and for the closet. 

I walk up to what I think is the closet and I open it seeing clothes from way back when. I pick something that I liked looking at myself in the mirror thinking "huh, not bad." 

I open the door going in the direction of the stranger and I find the guy waiting at the door. He looks up to me coming down the spiral staircase and yells "Come on already, we're late." 

I hurry down the stairs and he open the door going out. I follow after and I look around wide eyed as I see that it isn't just me but the whole town.

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