everyone has their own problem

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I always thought i live a kinda sad life. I envy my friends so much for having very good career and for living like every normal people always do. No depression, good career path, supportive family.

But every person really has their own problem i guess. Those friends of mine i told you about, been feeling miserable for not having someone to lean on, their special someone i mean. In a quarter life crisis, everything becomes a problem. Too many ppl ask for too many things to you, who just really begin your adult life. Parents asking for an in law, even children. Families and neighbors ask abt you career, meddling too much on whether you should take this or that route.

And any other thing.

My other friend i havent told you about, lives in a sandwich generation. I actually didnt think this is such a big problem until she told me bit by bit abt her stories whenever she felt down. I just thought shes so cool to be the successful person in the unfortunate family condition. She literally flipped her life. Ive been friends with her since middle school so i know that much.

But maybe enough is never enough.

The problem is, her family asked too much. Thats a very big burden she shouldnt even have to carry. Shes living enough doesnt mean that shes well off and she can carry the burden of 3 generations. She has her own needs too.

But being a very kind woman she is, she tried to work for what her families want. And after a while, she gave it to them. Only to see them being ungrateful bitches, saying that its not enough. That what she gave is nothing. Not knowing she put a hard work into it. Even sacrificing her monthly pays for food.

She then cried.

And i couldnt help but hate her families. Those ungrateful bitches.

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