Rose and Dimitri: Daddy?

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I looked at Lissa and shook my head. “Now is not the time for that. You are going to be late.” They left and I went to start cookies with Dimka. It had been an hour when there was a knock on the door. My mom was there with my little girl in her arms. “Hey mom,”

“Hey sweetie, as much as I want to stay and as much as I want to keep your little girl, I have to go. You’ll be able to take care of her now since you have a steady job and a place to live and you’re relatively safe. Your father and I will visit often.” I hugged her and picked up my girl. She had dark brown curls and the deepest brown eyes.

“Love you, mom.” I told her and she replied before leaving. “How’s my princess today?” I asked Marie.

“I missed you, momma.” She told me and I smiled. The other kids were sleeping so I got to spend time with my daughter alone until the others got back. Marie told me all about her time with grandma and I listened happily, but I could tell that she really did miss me. The door opened to the house and Lissa, Christian, and Dimitri came in.

“Auntie Lissa!” Marie smiled and Lissa waved as she took off her jacket. “Uncle Flamey,” Marie blew him a kiss. Her face clouded over in confusion at the sight of Dimitri. “Daddy?” she whispered to me and pointed at him. My heart soared. She knew him.

He was looking at me and Marie, confused. “Whose is she?” He asked coldly.

I smiled a little. “Marie, why don’t you tell him?”

“I’m Marie. I’m five. This is my momma.” She pointed to me. “You are my daddy.” She pointed to Dimitri. He was confused. “Don’t you see it? I saw pictures of you that mommy tried hiding from me, but look I have your nose and eyes and ears.” Marie continued and showed him. She was right.

“Rose?” Dimitri asked.

“She speaks the truth. I was going to tell you the next morning, but you left and I didn’t see you again.” I told him.

“Rose hasn’t dated anyone since.” Lissa spoke and came to see her babiythat were asleep on the floor. I stood and pulled Marie into my arms.

“Come on sweetie, I think it is nap time.” Dimitri was letting us stay at his place so I looked at Dimitri and asked where I could take Marie to lay down for a nap. He motioned for me and led me to... his room. I laid my girl on his bed and lay down next to her before rubbing her back. She was slowly falling asleep. Dimitri was still in the room. “Are you ok?”

“Why didn’t you contact me?”

I was shocked. “What are you talking about? I sent you at least two dozen letters and called you as well. Tasha always told me that you were too busy to answer the phone, but I still sent letters to tell you how I was doing and about the baby.”

“I didn’t get any letters from you.” He told me.

“I have copies of them if you want proof.” I handed him the diaper bag. “They are in there.” I told him.

Dimitri’s point of view:

It would be an understatement to say Rose was mad. She was beyond mad, even beyond furious. She held Marie closely to her and I could see every feature that was mine.  Marie knew who I was immediately, which means Rose must have told her about me.  I pulled out a stack of papers and started to read.

My dearest Dimitri,

   I’m writing to tell you that I’m pregnant. The baby is yours of course, like I could ever love someone else that much. Lissa doesn’t know yet since she’s worrying about saving my butt from execution. I have been told that the baby is beyond healthy and I do not—DO NOT—plan on getting rid of it or giving it up when it is born. You’re my love and the father to this child. I thought you had a right to know.

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