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It was new year's eve and Joanna and Lorenzo were out to buy firecrackers. Drake and Henzel were out to buy drinks. Martha and Susanne were busy taking down the Christmas decors when someone rang the bell.

"Go see, who it is," Martha told Susanne.

As Susanne opened the door, she was surprised to see Stephaness and his parents standing outside.

"H- Hi..." She smiled at them.

"Hello Susanne," Lucy smiled taking off her sunglasses.

"Come in, have a seat." She said.

The three walked in as Elizabeth approached them followed by Martha and Emily.

"Mom... meet The Rodrigues family," Susanne said with a smile.

"Hi, I am Lucy Rodrigues, this is my husband Stevenson Rodrigues and this is our son, Stephaness Rodrigues," Lucy said.

"Hi, you're Jackson's wife, Aren't you?" Stevenson asked.

"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you." Elizabeth said.

"We're here to discuss something important with you," Stevenson said.

"Actually, after Jackson's death, it's my eldest son who looks after the business. So maybe you can talk to him. He'll be back soon." Elizabeth replied.

Just then, Emily approached them with coffee, "Have some coffee."

"Thanks," Stephaness replied.

"We're not here to talk about business. It's something related to both our families." Stevenson said while sipping the coffee.

"Mom, here are the firecrackers!" Joanna shouted rushing in followed by Lorenzo.

"Just go keep it somewhere else," Elizabeth said. "Lorenzo," she called him.

Then, Lorenzo, Elizabeth, and Stevenson went to the garden to have a detailed talk.

"Mr. O'Brien, so what I am saying is, if your family is interested, maybe we'll have a wedding between my son and your sister. It will benefit us commercially in the future, also this can be one of the best wedding proposals your sister can get. Don't give a sudden answer. Just think about it and let me know later. Okay, bye. We'll leave for now."

And then The Rodrigues family left.

Lorenzo walked back inside, "I think this is a good proposal. What do you say, mom?"

"I don't know. I am not sure. The way he speaks... our Suse's marriage is not a business deal. It's something that is her personal life."

"Mom, I agree with you, but Stevenson is always like that. He has been our client for the last four months. He always gives everyone a cold shoulder. Okay, we'll talk to Stephaness about this later and then talk to Suse."

"Ha... Okay." Elizabeth replied.

The next day Lorenzo went to meet Stephaness personally. After talking to him Lorenzo returned home and assured Elizabeth about the marriage proposal, and it occurred Suse also liked the proposal, and both the families went on with the wedding.

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