Chapter 16. Love And Friendship

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Ginoong Marso and his wife were very loving to the baby girl whom they named, 'Maya'. Maya is known to be the national bird of the Philippines. Unlike before whereas the Philippine eagle was considered the national bird until later on it was revised to the Maya bird. With utmost joy, Ginang Marso caressed the baby in her arms and expressed her love by humming a lullaby she had just made up randomly. They were planning to adopt the baby if the family cannot be found. The next day, Alon and Isla went back to retrieve the baby leaving Bisig and Diwa to Mang Destino's care. During their journey back to the museum, Isla spoke out, "Alon, about Diwa. She is acting strange, isn't she? I mean, she has been doing things on her own. Moreover, she couldn't even explain why she is doing such things." Alon replied, "I guess you are right. Have you tried talking to her about it?" Isla answered back, "I was afraid I might offend her so I just kept quiet. How about you try talking to her? You have been together for as long as we've remembered." Alon stopped the carriage for awhile and looked back at Isla before saying, "For now, I will leave that task to Bisig. I am pretty sure he will interrogate Diwa regarding her unusual behaviour." Isla got curious and asked Alon, "Do you.. happen to have a liking to Diwa?" Alon laughed profusely and replied, "I treat her like my own sister. We grew up with a tight bond since we were both orphans and best friends at the same time. We are very much compatible but I don't really see her as a you know. An intimate partner." Isla was in shock after hearing those words from Alon, thinking that they would have ended up as a great couple. She was out of words until Alon asked her the exact same question, "How about you? Do you.. like Bisig?" Isla's cheeks suddenly flustered. She didn't expect Alon to ask her such a question. She was hesitant to answer at first but ended up admitting the truth, "I- I do like him. I guess it's obvious. But he doesn't give me that much attention unlike when he is with Diwa. I know he likes her a lot." Alon then smiled, "I am protective of Diwa as an older brother. I also do know if a guy really does like a girl. Would you still continue to like Bisig even if he likes Diwa more?" Isla replied, "Of Course. I can still gain his attention because Diwa doesn't seem to like him at all. Don't you see, the one Diwa likes is you." Alon was taken aback but he still managed to answer with a smirk and said, "No. No. You got it all wrong. Diwa never showed interest in either me or Bisig. She is kind of immature when it comes to boy and girl relationships, you know." Isla pouted and said, "I hate you, Alon. I was trying to get an answer from you which I have already anticipated in my mind but you disappointed me. I was hoping you'd agree with me." Alon then laughed. Isla then asked one more question, "Who do you like then? Is there a special someone in your life?" As they continued on in their journey, Alon replied, "My uncle and my aunt because they are the only ones who took care of me. Why do you ask?" Isla got pissed off by Alon's answer so she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to her chest. Alon laughed silently as they head on to the museum. As soon as they reached the gates, they saw Ginang Marso roaming around the garden as if dancing in steps while carrying the baby. As they entered the gates, they noticed Ginoong Marso holding a huge pile of paper like a miniature skyscraper. They followed him from behind wanting to assist him in case the papers would fall off. He couldn't even see what's infront of him so he tilted his head from left to right in order to balance his walk. Alon gently tapped Ginoong Marso's right shoulder and to the old man's surprise, the pile of paper waved a bit and so he said, "Oh, dear. You scared me. You came back already. I was hoping you would come back tomorrow morning because it's already late. Isn't it dangerous for you and the baby to travel at this time of night?" Alon and Isla looked at each other but before they could answer, Ginoong Marso asked them to take with them the papers or specifically the flyers which contains information about the missing mother and child back home. He also suggested they spend the night in his house just behind the museum. Isla depended on Alon's answer so she stared at him the whole time while he was left thinking about the offer. "Thank you for the invite. We will try to consider your offer. For now, Can we see the baby first?" Alon asked as a form of reply. Ginoong Marso led them inside the garden where his wife and baby Maya rested in the bench. Isla couldn't help but smile at the sight of them and immediately ran towards the baby to greet her hello. Ginang Marso embraced her as a sign of welcome. Alon greeted the old lady as well. They spent some time sharing stories about baby Maya until sunset. Alon asked Isla if she is okay with the idea of spending the night together. Isla nodded in reply. A while later, they shared dinner together and after that they prepared for bed. Ginang Marso took care of the baby while Ginoong Marso gave the two guests some blankets to warm themselves up during the cold night. When the two opened the door to their room, they were surprised to see only one bed inside. Isla glanced at Alon with concerned look in her eyes while Alon didn't pay much worry about it. "Could I please have my own room? Me and this man barely know each other." Isla begged but Ginoong Marso's reply was, "I apologize my dear. We could only accomodate atleast 2 people and there are no other rooms available at the moment. It's a full house you know. Besides, I thought the two of you were a couple. Anyways, please feel at home and have a good night sleep." Isla couldn't believe it. As soon as Ginoong Marso went out and left the two of them inside the room, she slowly looked up at Alon's face with distrust. "Come on now. Why that look on your face? Don't I seem like a good guy to you?" Alon said. "It's not you that I am afraid of exactly, it's the devil in your thoughts that might pop up any minute now." Isla replied. Alon laughed hard and gave Isla a polite gesture to sit on a chair. While Isla sat down uncomfortably, Alon on the other hand arranged the bed for Isla to stay and got himself some bed covers to lie down on the floor. Isla was surprised and asked him if it was okay for him to stay there on the cold floor. He then nodded with a smile and wink at her in return. She blushed for a moment as she tucked herself to bed and threw him another blanket to warm himself up. They soon both fell deeply asleep. The next morning, they were asked to join Ginoong Marso's family for breakfast. They greeted each other goodmorning and enjoyed eating 'Champorado'. A popular chocolate porridge which originated in the Philippines. This meal is sometimes paired with 'tuyo' a classic favorite which is known as a salted dried fish. Alon then started serving the family members each a bowl of porridge. Isla felt more at ease with Alon knowing how gentleman he was. After breakfast, the two of them have decided to help give out the flyers in town since yesterday's mission was unlucky in searching for the baby's family. It was Mang Destino and his comrades who kept searching everyday but to no avail. Once again, the baby was left to Ginoong Marso's care. He then advised the two young adults to come back once there is an update or findings about the baby's family. He assured them that until the family is not yet found, the baby is in safe hands. Both Alon and Isla agreed. They soon went to town and spread the flyers everywhere. A specific location was printed on the flyer leading to the search of the baby's missing family members. A good old friend of Mang Destino who's name was Lexton, offered his home as a location for any inquiries or information about the baby. They were hoping that anyone from the baby's relatives would come and claim her as theirs provided that they show them enough proof or evidence. A few hours later, Alon and Isla headed back to his uncle's house. While resting inside the carriage, Isla felt the need to open up a conversation with Alon so she asked him, "Alon, I have a question. Would you consider me as a younger sister too just as you did with Diwa? I see that you treat as both equally." Alon replied while looking up straight on the road, "Sure, Of course. Why do you ask?" Isla was curious as to how Alon treats other women as well and so she said, "Nothing. I bet you will create a big happy family someday." Alon smiled and asked, "Really? What makes you say that? If that is so then I should work harder to provide for my future big happy family, right?" He winked at Isla from behind him and with that Isla's cheeks blushed once more. She had realized that she was beginning to like Alon for his kind personality. But her love for Bisig is much greater than that. She then fell silent all of a sudden until they reached home. It was already lunch time when they arrived at Mang Destino's house, Isla couldn't spot Bisig anywhere and so she asked Diwa where he could have gone to. Diwa said, "You know what Isla? The funny thing is that the moment you came home, all you worry about is your darling, Bisig." Diwa smiled at her as a form of tease. Isla felt shy about it while Alon teased her for being too in-love with Bisig. Diwa also questioned the two where they stayed the night before and about the baby's current state of condition. They all sat down on the sofa and talked quietly in the living room. Mang Destino is usually at work everyday yet he tries to do a follow up search whenever he can for the baby. Bisig also went to work this morning. Minutes later, Aunt Emi went outside of her room and joined the group's conversation. After a quick update, they all ate lunch together. After that the two girls started cleaning up in the kitchen while Alon got himself ready for work by grooming himself in his room. Isla couldn't help herself to question Diwa and so she asked, "How were you and Bisig yesterday?" Diwa replied, "We were fine. Bisig and I just talked about everything that has been happening lately. You know, about the baby and also about what had happened to us near the narra tree." Isla was surprised to know about Bisig being talkative all of a sudden when it comes to Diwa. She then said, "I was actually curious as to what happened to you that day but I was hesitant to ask. Maybe now is a good time for you to tell me about it." Diwa replied, "I believe that I am gifted with my father's visions. I just found out in a dream. Can you believe that? My mind couldn't take it all in and with that I believe was the reason why I collapsed on the ground yesterday." Isla was speechless. She then asked Diwa to come with her to bed and take a rest. During an afternoon nap, Diwa couldn't get herself to rest so she sat on the couch in the living room as she stared at the view outside of the window. Alon went out of his room as well and saw Diwa in a crouching position. He sat beside her and asked how she was doing. She faced him and hugged him on his side before saying, "I see visions of the future. Alon, please help me find out what it is trying to tell me." The two locked eyes on each other in a comforting way. Alon then gently stroke Diwa's hair to the side and answered, "As long as I am by your side, I will make sure that everything is fine. Tell me all about your worries and visions and I will help figure it out for you." Diwa then smiled as she lay her head on his shoulder. Moments later, he headed to work after waving goodbye to his best friend.

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