Chapter 19. Heart of the Ocean waves

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Days have passed and I have been busy making 'Kakanin' or traditional rice cakes at home with grandma as well as painting my brand new artwork which included Sinag wearing the key necklace. In my painting he wore a modernized outfit inspired by a group of American people who visited the city a few days ago. I plan to give it to Uncle Destino as a form of thanks when he takes me to see his friend Lexton. "Good morning, Diwa." A voice from outside the gates called to me. It was Alon. I was in the garden helping out grandma harvest some vegetables. I then ran outside and greeted Alon back. He had this genuine smile on his face and his eyes beemed with adoration towards me seemingly mesmerized by my beauty. I gave him a disgusted look while saying, "What's with that look all of a sudden? You must be infatuated by my irresitable charm." I laughed while he smiled back at me. "I missed you." He replied. My cheeks flustered in embarassment. I looked at him straight in the eye while trying to figure out what my heart was telling me. "Alon, I-". I stuttered through my words but still continued, "Of course, I miss you too." He gave me a heartwarming smile and so I reciprocated it with a smile. However I added, "But I have a hinch that the one you really miss is the English speaker whom we have met a few days ago." Alon raised one eyebrow up and gave out a smirk as he slightly tilted his head. I continued to tease him and said, "So are you interested in her? The two of you seemed to be having good times together on a daily basis until you remembered to visit me. I am right, right?" He shrugged his shoulders and replied back while offering his right hand to me, "It was all work-related, Diwa. So don't get yourself too caught up with that idea. For real, I miss you. Come with me, let's have a little siesta in the park." My face blushed for a moment and then I answered as I reached out for his hand, "Okay. Let's bring grandma something to eat once we come home." I smiled at him as we both walked into the garden to see grandma. Alon and grandma had a quick chit chat as they laughed hard at Alon's jokes. Alon is very family-oriented and he treats us like family. I can imagine him becoming a great father figure someday to his future children. We then went to the park and as soon as we got there, Alon untied a red and white checkered sheet and took out a big basket from inside of it. He then placed the basket on top of the checkered sheet which he layed on the grass. He held both of my hands and told me to sit down on the ground. It was very sweet of him to show me such a kind gesture. We then saw each other eye to eye. He gave me his home-made sandwiches and poured some juice in a cup from a small jug inside the basket. We ate the snacks together while sharing updates about each other's lives. I actually knew him more in a personal perspective compared to Bisig. While on the other hand, Bisig and Isla knew each other well since childhood. After eating some snacks, Alon suggested that he should come along in visiting his Uncle Destino's friend, Lexton. I automatically agreed. He then gently picked up my left hand and held it tightly as we sat next to each other. He directed his gaze towards me and we saw each other eye to eye. I felt nervous and curious at the same time. My heart was anticipating something romantic but my mind was doubtful about the idea. My heart started to pound until Alon said these lines, "Diwa, I like you. Not as a sister but as someone who holds a very special place in my heart. I want to know if you feel the same way about me." I was speechless and my brain couldn't process the whole situation. "But why?" I thought in my head. I couldn't tell him that I liked someone else. Someone whom nobody knew about but me. It was Sinag. After such thoughts in my head, I looked at him and replied, "Alon you are a wonderful person. A gentleman, a best friend, a reliable brother, a good son and a great companion. That is what I love about you. Though simple, I hope this answers your question." Alon who was looking at me straight in the eye said, "I knew beforehand your would-be answer and I respect that a hundred percent. I just want you to know how I feel for you while I still have the chance. Life is too short and if ever we are not meant for each other, maybe in the next life we'll meet again and share a mutual bond." I was deeply touched by Alon's wishful bliss. I never removed my eyes off him and so in silence we both looked at each other in the eye. He held my hand tight and then he turned his gaze at the far sky. I was still looking at him and thought to myself, "Just like Bisig who showed his interest in me, will it be possible for me to divert my love to him or even to Alon who was bold enough to confess his feelings for me? How should I react now? What will happen to our friendship?" I also gazed at the sky as I wondered deeply. Moments later, Alon said, "Let's go home." I slowly lifted my head to face him. I couldn't utter a word but instead my eyes were fixated at him. He then laughed, "Why are you looking at me like that, Diwa?" With worrisome eyes, he gently pulled me closer to him and gave me a warm embrace while saying the words, "I am still the same old playful Alon you knew back then and nothing will change between us. Friends?" He pulled out his pinky finger and asked me to promise him that we will always maintain our friendship. I smiled at him and put my pinky finger by his pinky finger as we tied a knot with them. As soon as we arrived home, Alon waved grandma and I goodbye. He told me that he will come back next week to pick me up in our journey to Mang Destino's friend. My day ended with mostly meditation of everything that has happened to me during the past weeks. My mind was preocccupied with unanswered questions as I blankly stared at a wall in my room. There was a sudden knock on the door. When I opened it, grandma handed me a cup of warm milk and then she kissed me goodnight. I hugged her in return and told her that I love her. The next day, I was up early to sell vegetables at the wet market. Once I got there, a group of Spaniards were walking straight up to my direction as I stood by a vegetable stand. I would randomly see them from time to time but today was different. They figured out my name and whereabouts from some gossiper sellers in the market. There were 5 of them but only two approached me. One of them asked for my name and so I told him my name was Diwa. He said it sounded familiar so he asked which city I was born in. I made up a story and answered that I was raised in a foreign country but ended up here because of my parents. They all laughed at me and said that it was ridiculous of me to think highly of myself considering how visible my Filipino genes are and my current status quo. I cried. I then wiped my tears away the moment I heard shouting and rumble in the area. When I checked up on what was happening, I saw that a group of Americans were fighting the Spaniards and that they were actually helping me out with the bullying. The Spaniards retreated due to the high percentage of Americans present in the area. They were actually promoting themselves as new leaders in my country. They wanted to change the government system and win over the Spaniards. I was shocked. I wondered what would happen if a war would then start and who would win it. What will happen to my country once the Americans win over the Spaniards? Everything will be different for sure and what kind of treatment will they give us? Will our condition become worse or miraculously better? Aside from my personal worries, more and more troubles keep on arising. If this is my destiny, how will my story end? I was so scared of my life all of a sudden. I feel like nothing good will happen to me anymore. All of a sudden, a hand rested itself on my shoulder. I looked at it and at the person infront of me. It was an American guy who was probably on his forties and asked me a question which I did not understand. I noticed that there were three people standing behind him. One of them was actually Filipino and he was working for the Americans. He translated the English question in Tagalog for me. The question actually said, "How are you? Were you hurt in any way?" I then tilted my head in reply. "I am Pavorito. This is my American boss." He said. "Hello, Pavorito. My name is Diwa. Thank you for saving me." I replied. The Americans started introducing themselves to the people in the market while Pavorito stayed with me and chatted for a while. "I saw you cry and they laugh at you. You look pretty and they ugly, so you should laugh at them and they cry, okay?" Pavorito advised me. He was actually funny. Even with tears in my eyes I suddenly laughed. As soon as the Americans departed, I was left alone in my post while the other sellers were gathered together gossiping about what had happened. I packed up all of my stuff and ran home as quickly as I could. Once I got home, I told grandma what had happened in the wet market. She was very saddened with the news and so she asked me to stay home for awhile even just for a week. I felt my shoulders shrunk in sadness of the thought of being kept at home due to the unlikely incident this morning. Despite of this, I remembered having a memorable time with Alon this morning which changed my perspective of the day. I diverted my thoughts to him and with that it made me happy.

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