Astral Attack

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Once Luke had stabilized, it was decided that, given the danger he was in, someone should stay near him. Cyborg had noted that Luke had been in a car accident the night of the exhibition but was taken from the scene. Many of the first responders were injured or killed in the process.

"He and his friend shouldn't have been able to walk away from that accident," he explained before displaying a holographic image of the car they'd been in.

Arthur let out a whistle. "Yeah, that's a nasty one."

"Then someone is hunting him," Diana said. "They captured him after the accident but he must have escaped them. That's why they sent the manticore after him."

"Magic," Clark said.

Diana, who had just watched the news footage of Luke's flight and use of power nodded in agreement. "You're right. His pursuers are magical to be able to summon and control a manticore. His powers are likely magic-based as well."

"He's not an average boy. And we're not dealing with the average criminal," Bruce said. "I hate magic," he added with a scowl.

"You hate everything," Arthur laughed.

Barry shot Bruce an incredulous look. "How can you hate on magic? It's awesome."

"It's unpredictable. Dangerous." He paused and stared hard at Luke. "Especially in the hands of a child."

Clark felt a sense of protectiveness rising up in him but it was Arthur who spoke first. "Just because he's got power doesn't automatically make him dangerous," the Atlantean said.

"He flew to Metropolis and brought a mythical monster with him. Who knows what might have happened if Clark hadn't..."

"But that's just the thing," Diana said. "He could have gotten to Rosewood much quicker than Metropolis. He went there because he knew Superman would be there. He went for help. He was doing the responsible thing."

"And we don't even know if he knew a manticore was chasing him," Barry said.

Bruce turned to Cyborg and the hero shrugged. "Look, we all saw that footage. Kid looked horrified and completely taken by surprise. He didn't look like he was even aware of the thing until it was on him."

"Listen," Clark cut in. "Whether you like magic or hate it, he's in danger. Now, unless I missed some secret meeting, our job is still to keep people safe."

"Trust but verify?" Barry added with a hopeful smile.

Bruce looked down and then nodded. "Trust but verify."

After the team meeting, Luke remained in the infirmary with Clark offering to take first watch over him. He pulled a chair over to the side of the small bed and took the opportunity to study Luke more closely and without the watchful eyes of his teammates.

The boy was beautiful, that much was certain. At rest, his face had a serenity to it that accented an angelic quality. High cheek bones, a chiseled jaw and strong chin lent him a classic handsomeness. His hair- a tapestry of varying shades of blond- was styled in a pompadour- albeit a bit of a messy one by that point. Though his eyes were shut, Clark could envision the striking blue of them. He'd spent enough time flying the skies to say that Luke's were as blue as the brightest cloudless day.

Clark paused to chuckle at himself. He couldn't remember the last time he felt attracted enough to someone that he was led down the poetic path.

The white shirt had been cut away from Luke's body so his wound could be tended to, leaving his strong and lean torso on full display. Clark's eyes drank in the smooth, milky skin and the taut musculature with an appraising eye. Yes, Luke looked very much like an angel. But the impure thoughts Clark began to have certainly contrasted with that.

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