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"What do your tattoos mean?" Luke asked as he looked over at Aquaman. They had been driving in silence in the Atlantean's pickup truck since leaving the lake.

Aquaman smiled over at Luke, then placed his intense gaze back on the open road. "They represent my aumakua- my family god," he said.

"Is that a Atlantean?"

Aquaman shook his head. "No, it's Hawaiian. I'm part Atlantean. In Hawaiian culture the aumukua is an ancestor that comes back to protect the family." Aquaman was typically so glib, making the solemn tone striking. It touched Luke to see him speak with such emotion and pride. "My family's guardian is a shark," he added.

"That's why your tattoos look like rows of teeth," Luke surmised.

"Yep," Aquaman said. He rhythmically drummed his hands on the steering wheel.

"I like them," Luke said, wishing he could reach out and touch them for real. He felt awkward and shy, and hoped it didn't come across in his voice. "I like that they mean so much to you. Most people get tattoos just because. I have a friend at school who got a tattoo of a cherry on her lower back just because someone dared her to. Her mom found out about it and was so mad at her. I've never really thought much about getting a tattoo. I feel like I would change my mind a thousand times and regret it or something. Plus it would probably hurt. Which sounds really wimpy of me, I guess. Especially since I'm supposed to be this magical force. A magical force shouldn't be scared of a tattoo. But I guess everyone's afraid of something, aren't they?"

Aquaman chuckled lightly and raised a hand. "You're one of those nervous talkers, aren't you?"

"I'm not nervous," Luke said, earning a skeptical look from Aquaman. "Okay, I am nervous. It's not every day you ride in a car with a superhero who watched your sexual fantasy about them. I'll just...look out this window and try to be quiet."

"It's fine, man," Aquaman said with a grin. He looked over at Luke again. "Look- you don't have to be embarrassed about what happened. Everyone has their fantasies."

"Yeah, but most people don't telepathically reveal them to people."

"For what it's worth, I'm not offended."


Aquaman laughed again. "Yes. I promise."

"Cool," Luke said. "I was kind of worried you might...I don't know...beat me up or something."

Aquaman scowled at him and shook his head. "What makes you think I'd do that?"

Luke shrugged and looked back out the window. "I guess I'm just used to straight guys reacting like that."

"Woah, woah," Aquaman said, cutting him off. "First of all, I'm a superhero. We don't beat anyone up unless they're trying to hurt someone. There's nothing harmful about being attracted to a person. And second- what makes you think I'm a straight guy?"

Luke recalled how he and Lydia had jokingly said that Aquaman confirmed being bisexual at the exhibition. "Well, I don't like to assume. So. You're...bisexual?"

"I consider myself pansexual," Aquaman offered. "But I'm not really into labeling. I just like what I like."

"Gotcha," Luke said as he attempted to wrap his head around the fact that he was discussing sexuality with Aquaman. He looked over his shoulder and into the bed of the truck. Aquaman's glowing, golden trident was laying there, it's gleam resonating.

"What is it?" Aquaman asked.

"Just looking at your trident."

"You trying to wrap your fingers around that next?" Aquaman man asked with a big smirk.

Justice League: The Heir of HecateWhere stories live. Discover now