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Luke tried to swallow his fear and stepped into the crevice. He could feel the others at his back and took some small comfort in knowing that Jared and Lydia were still alive. But not safe. No, until they were away from all of this they wouldn't be safe.

"I cannot wait to finally meet you," the voice called out from up ahead.

Luke could feel the crevice getting tighter and had to squeeze between the rocky walls until finally he emerged in what appeared to be some kind of valley. He spied mountain ranges on all sides, capped in snow and mist. That same mist blanketed the ground and a bizarre green light shone down upon him. It felt like he was walking within a dream. But he knew that everything he was seeing was real. And it terrified him.

I wish I wasn't the Heir of Hecate, he thought. No amount of freedom and adventure could be worth this. He thought about the Justice League and wondered if any of them had begun their journeys with such tragic trauma. There's only one way to find out- I have to survive this.

"Come and let me look upon you."

Luke turned in a slow circle and his eyes attempted to peer through the dense mist. A figure became more visible, its outline appearing like a shadow. Then the mist thinned out and dissipated, and a tall, muscular man appeared. He was completely naked, his beautiful body glistening with moisture. Dark hair fell past his shoulders, framing a face that made Luke think of the paintings of angels. Frightening, dark eyes found him and the perfect lips formed a smile.

Agony, Fury and Sorrow fell to their knees, bowing before him. Jared and Lydia huddled together, knowing that running was pointless at this stage.

"I," the man spoke grandly  as he stepped closer to Luke, "am Kinoculus."

Luke ignored how beautiful the god was. Beauty was a perfect disguise for wickedness, he knew. "I'm here. What do you want from me?"

Kinoculus regarded him with an amused smile. "Such bravery to ask in such a demanding tone. You know I am a god?"

Luke shrugged. "I've never heard of you," he bitterly replied.

Kinoculus continued to flash the same amused smile. "Of course not. Mother would never allow it. She prefers you. You and all of her other heirs who came before you."

Impatience boiled within Luke. "My entire life has been hijacked. I want answers. Now."

"And you shall have them," Kinoculus promised. He began to pace back and forth, slow and leisurely. "When I was born, mother rejoiced. She had seen the way Zeus sired so many great heroes. She wished to do so as well. But she soon learned of my...distaste...for humanity. Humans are a blight. A blemish on what would otherwise be a perfect universe. My intention was to use my gifts- the magic she bestowed upon me- to undo your world. To remove humankind from it. Make it perfect."

"There's no such thing," Luke said through gritted teeth.

He stood still and spread his arms. "So she cast me here. She threw her beloved son into the mouth of Tartarus." He fixed Luke with a hateful gaze. "And gave what should have been mine to her precious heirs. Her chosen ones. She believed that a god was not capable of truly protecting mankind. So she created humans from magic and wasted her gifts on them instead."

"You talk about humans like we're all the same," Luke challenged.

"You talk as if you have all the knowledge and experience of a god," Kinoculus coolly replied. "I have watched your kind."

"What do you want?" Luke demanded.

"It is very simple, heir. I cannot leave this place in my current form. And I cannot wield the power I once had. In order to be free and reclaim what is mine, you must be my vessel."

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