Chapter 4

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Once Trinity left, I heard Ashley talking to herself. 

"Her heart belongs to Mal. And for a long time, mine belonged to her, and she had no....freaking....IDEA!" 

I could hear her pacing. 

"But I haven't thought about her like that since you, Jade. Help. I act like you can hear me. You're sleeping. But my heart belongs to you now, if you'll have it." 

I wanted to pop up then and scream "YES!" but I stayed still. 

"I'm just scared that maybe Trinity will tell her. I mean it could be an accident but it doesn't matter. If that gets out, that would mess up our entire friendship. And especially mine and Mal's." 

Then shit hit the fan. 

I felt like I had to sneeze, and before I could try to stop myself, it just came out. 

People don't just sneeze in their sleep. You have to wake up to sneeze. 

Why would Ashley even know that? 

Well I thought that too late, because I turned around to face her, showing her I was awake. 

"Oh." She said. 

"Hi." I fake yawned so she would think I just woke up. 

"Did I wake you up?" 


"God because I thought I was being loud. But I didn't quiet down for whatever reason." 

"What's wrong?" I tried to see if she would spill her guts to me. 

"A lot." 

"Talk to me." 

"No I just woke you up." 

"No you didn't." I said. "It was the sneeze." 

"Just go back to sleep." 

"Not if something's up with you." 

She was quiet for a few seconds, and I just stared at her by accident. 

"I have a question." 


"Can I have a hug?" 

"Of course." 

I sat up, she walked over to me, and crawled over my bed to hug me. 

"Better?" I asked. 

"Yes." She still sounded sad. 

"Sit here." I said, patting the empty space next to me. "And talk to me." 

Ashley took the spot, but she didn't want to talk. "Nothing I can talk to you about." 

You can tell me anything." I said. "I know we haven't known each other long, but I'm a vault. I keep all secrets." 

"What secrets have you never told?" She asked. 

"I can't tell you." 

"Darn you're good!" She said. 

I laughed, and she smiled. 

"Are you sure you don't wanna tell me ANYTHING?" 

"Maybe soon. But not right now." 

"Okay." I said. 

"You seem tired. I'm gonna go-" 

"Stay?" I asked her, grabbing her arm and cuddling into her. 

"Okay." She said, getting under the covers. 

"Turn off the TV?" 

"That I don't wanna do." She laughed. 


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