Chapter 3

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September 14th, 2022

4 days until game day. That means 4 days to prove myself as a good enough midfielder to play for this national squad. 

I spent the last few days hanging out with Ashley and her friends, and they all are super kind. 

Morgana showed me how to meg someone so that 'it works every time,' and I was happy to take tips from the best player in the world. 

But last night, I had fallen asleep relatively early when Ashley and I were settled down and watching TV. 

I woke up when I heard the door open, and I assumed it was Ashley leaving, but it was actually someone coming in. 

"Hey." Ashley said. 

"Hey." The other person said, and I recognized it as Trinity 

"What was so important that you just HAD to come here?" 

At this point, I still hadn't moved and wasn't planning on letting them know I was awake. They were talking in low voices, like not quite whispers but not a normal volume. 

"I just need you to tell me what has been going on with you recently." Said Trinity. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You're acting different." 

"The whole time we've been in camp?" Ashley asked. 

"No, really just the past 2 days." 

"Well I'm sorry." 

"Why though?" 

"Trinity, I have no idea what you're talking about." 



"Why are you acting weird?" 

"What do you mean....acting weird?" 

"Cut the shit Ashley." 

"Fine. You know what? Fine." Ashley took a deep breath, then made her voice a lower whisper. "Trinity, I like Jade." 

"We all do. She's very nice." 

"That's a me line." Laughed Ashley. "But I mean like like." 



They sat in silence for a minute, and I was just in shock. I continued to stay completely still. 

"So that means you are really seriously over her?" Trinity asked. 


"I have been." 


"Well for 3 days." Ashley said. 

"Oh." Said Trinity. "Only 3?" 

"Yes. And a good 3 days at that." Ashley paused. "I'm finally over her."

"Ashley, it's been years. How did you just get over her in 3 short days?" 

"Because, Trinity. I realized that she's happy now. She' just makes me feel good to know that she's good you know? She's been with Mal for months now and finally, I accepted it. Because I left my only shot I had to shoot in the past." 


"And what made me realize all that was how much I like Jade. And I hope she's around for a while. She's such a good player, and she's one of the best people ever. She plays the midfield, but she's a keeper." 

"That is in the running for one of the stupidest things you've ever said. And you've said a LOT of stupid stuff." Trinity laughed. "But that makes sense. It really does. But when did you have a shot at Morgana?" 

"Well how old are we, 17 and 18? Yeah....about 3 2, maybe 3 years ago. We were called up to the U-23's. We were rooming together, and had been good friends for a while at this point. I had just had a really good game, I was just so happy at that point, and I guess she was too. It's kind of a blur on how it happened, but we ended up hooking up the night of that game, and that's when I started to like her." Ashley said. 

"How did you never tell me this before?" Asked Trinity. 

"I'm not entirely sure. But all I know was that was the night. And I don't know why I didn't shoot my shot when I had the chance. Because I think she liked me too. But I didn't because I'm a stupid idiot that's still a child." 

"You're spot on with that description." Trinity laughed. 

"Hey!" Ashley said sadly. "And it was so easy to stay friends with her all these years because of the person she is. We haven't talked about that night since, and you're the only other person to know about it." 

Well, only one that's meant to know. 

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