a ray of light

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Next day a streak of sunlight somehow escaped the drawn curtains and illuminated the lovely face of the little girl sleeping wrapped in blankets in a cot. She seemed to b so at peace sleeping soundly. The sunlight seemed to kiss her forehead. The light fell on her eyes. She opened her eyes slightly and was immediately blinded by the sunlight. She wanted to close whatever was letting this light in but she couldn't. She let out a small cry but no one was there to respond to her cry. So she settled for squeezing her eyes shut. But nature seemed to understand her uneasiness and suddenly a cloud covered the sun effectively blocking the ray from her eyes. She little girl gave a small smile and went back to sleeping.

After some time she was again awoken but this time by the maid not nature. She slowly opened her eyes and took in her surrounding. Her eyes fell on the window through which sunlight was now streaming and she gave a shy smile as if sharing a secret joke, a joke that only she understood. The maid picked her up. Her hands were soft and her embrace full of love. Her kind face appealed to her and she gave another small laugh.

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