Chapter 5

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Busting through a cabin door, (F/N) quickly stepped inside, closing it and throwing the wooden bar down to barricade and secure the door. He panted as he backed away from the door, expecting the masked figure to bust through. He then turned away from the door and ran down the hallway. He scanned each room, looking for anything that could hold a weapon.

However, when he entered one room, he noticed that there was a closet that had shut the moment he stepped in, though it didn't make a sound. He squinted his eyes at the closet door and slowly approached it, taking little steps along the way.

Suddenly, the closet had burst opened, revealing Robbie, who ran up to (F/N) with a pipe in his hand. He let out a wimpy roar full of voice cracks, as he gripped the pipe with both hands and swung at (F/N). (F/N), who wasn't really scared, nor intimidated, by Robbie's sudden outburst, grabbed the pipe with one hand and stopped Robbie's swing. Robbie's eyes was closed when he jumped out of the closet, so at the time he didn't know that he was going to attack (F/N).

"You may be stronger than me! But I will not give in to you!" He shouted. (F/N) rolled his eyes and took the palm of his hand, smacking it against his forehead. Robbie slightly reeled back in pain and opened his eyes, looking to the source to see (F/N) look at him with an unamused look. "O-Oh." He said as he let go of the pipe and adjusted his glasses. "Sorry about that." He said. (F/N) sighed.

"Whatever." He muttered. "Have you seen any of the others?" He asked. Robbie shook his head.

"No, after that person attacked, I ran straight for the first cabin I could find." Robbie explained. (F/N) nodded before a stench caught his nose. He knew exactly what it was and pinched his nose.

"Seriously? Did you piss yourself?" (F/N) asked. Robbie slightly blushed in embarrassment and crossed his arms, looking away.

"So what if I did?" Robbie asked. (F/N) gulped and held the pipe up in a disgusted manner.

"How about this? Have you clean this of your taint?" He asked. Robbie jumped at the question and looked at (F/N).

"What's that supposed to mean!?" He asked.

Before (F/N) could answer, there was a loud scream coming from the distance, into the forest. They both turned to the source, only to see the thick blanket of the darkness.

"What was that!?" Robbie asked as he backed away from the window.

"It sounds like one of the girls." (F/N) pointed out, taking a few steps towards the window. "No offense, Robbie." He added on. Robbie just shrugged and rolled his eyes, just accepting the name at this point. "Come on, let's go." (F/N) said as he walked up to the door and took the bar off.

"Wait wait wait, you're going out there!?" Robbie asked as (F/N) opened the door.

"It's better than waiting for the murderer to come and kill us." (F/N) said before he stepped out of the door and into the woods. Robbie slightly shook in fear as he looked around, already expecting the masked figure to walk through, or be near during his and (F/N)'s little talk. He gulped nervously and quickly ran after (F/N).

"Wait for me!" He shouted.

Meanwhile, not to far from where (F/N) and Robbie were, Meg was running past limbs and branches on the trees, smacking some out of the way. She panted, not only from running, from the scare of the masked figure. She looked behind her, seeing no masked figure chase after her. Drifter and Natelie wasn't around, they had actually left on Drifter's motorcycle. All that remained was (F/N), Robbie, and Meg.

Meg kept running, finding herself at the docks of the camp. The docks were in a "T" shape, leading out towards the rest of the lake. Meg slid to a halt, teetering over the water until she regained her balance.

The figure stopped at the end of the docks and froze in place. Meg took a few steps away from the water before she turned around to run, only to see the figure frozen. The figure quickly reacted.

"Got nowhere to run?" She asked, resting the machete on her shoulder and leaning on one side of her body. Meg took a few steps back, only for half of her foot to stay on the dock. She didn't fall in, though since she moved her back foot more on the dock than air. "Can't swim?" The figure asked. Meg gulped in fear as she stayed in place. But out of the corner of her eye, she saw (F/N) and Robbie run up, with Robbie falling behind. The masked figure followed her gaze, seeing the two boys run up. "I think they've given up on life." She said as she turned to them and walked to them.

"(F/N)! Robbie!" Meg shouted. Along the run, (F/N) glanced back at Robbie.

"Robbie, you be cannon fodder! I'll get Meg!" (F/N) shouted as he ran up to the figure. The masked figure spun her machete in the air and held it by the handle, winding it back to slice (F/N)'s head off, only for (F/N) to slide under her swing and onto the dock.

"Why me!?" Robbie asked before he let out a frustrated groan. He then let out another wimpy roar and ran up to the figure, stopping to kick her in the stomach. However, the figure quickly caught his ankle with one hand, using the handle of her machete to strike his knee, knocking it into his leg. Robbie's leg was bent an unnatural way, causing him to let out a loud scream of pain and agony. He fell backwards, landing on his ass while his bottom leg laid limp against the ground. He looked towards the figure in fear as he began to crawl back. (F/N) stopped and turned to him, seeing the figure approach him.

"That didn't last long." (F/N) muttered before he glanced at Meg. "Meg! Get moving! I'm going to help Robbie!" (F/N) shouted before he ran over to the figure. Meg nodded as she ran away from the dock, heading towards one of the nearby cabin.

(F/N) growled as he jumped towards the figure, only for the figure to quickly turn around and step out of the way, using her elbow to smack his spine. (F/N) grunted in pain and fell to the ground, feeling a bad pain in his back. He quickly got to his hands and knees as the figure walked around behind him. She chuckled as she rested the machete on her shoulder. As she did, (F/N) stood up and popped his back, feeling only a small pain in his back.

"Did you think I was going to forget you?" She asked as she placed her other hand on her hip. (F/N) slightly groaned and turned to her, getting to a fighting stance.

"I'm actually quite flattered." (F/N) replied as he held the pipe up. The masked figure chuckled as she spun the machete off of her shoulder and gripped her machete.

They both kept their eyes on each other until they both rushed up and attacked each other. Both of their weapons clashing against each other, the pipe taking more damage than the machete. Then, at one moment during their little brawl, (F/N) swung the pipe down on the masked figure, only for her to grab it. Her grip was so strong, that the pipe was starting to crush. (F/N) looked at it in shock before he managed to rip a part of the pipe off. The masked figure chuckled and threw it away before they resumed their fight.

With each strike, they either began dodging or countering each other's attack. (F/N) taking more damage, cutting his clothing and his body. The masked figure only receiving bruises, but they didn't really harm her.

Then it happened....

As (F/N) dodged an attack from the masked figure, he gripped the pipe with both hands and swung hard at her face. The masked figure was still recoiling for another attack when the pipe struck her face. The pain struck her, since the strike was closer to the brain. She reeled back in pain as a snap and crack was heard. The moment he struck her, the pipe managed to hook onto her mask, the snap coming from the strap that held the mask onto her face. The crack, however, was from the mask itself, snapping in half as it was being flung off of her face.

The remnants of the mask hit the ground, the strap unrepairable.

There was a moment of silence and stillness, Meg and Robbie looking towards the two as (F/N) remained still after the momentum of his attack. The only movement was by the figure, moving her hand up to her face and holding the area where (F/N) hit her.

Behind the Mask (Female Jason Vorhees x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now