Chapter 17

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(F/N) tensed up at what the elementary school principal asked him as his eyes dilated at the mention of Jaylene.

"W-Well...uh...." (F/N) said as he nervously grabbed his arm and rubbed it.

"You see, your sister here told us about the first time she met this 'Jaylene' and we just want to express our concerns." The principal said.

"Oh, well, I appreciate it but.," (F/N) began as he tried to think of something say, "Jaylene's my girlfriend, and we tend to visit each time to time." He said. The principal raised an eyebrow at (F/N)'s response. "B-But, I've got places to be, so can I take my sister and head home?" He asked. The principal and the teacher both looked at each other, waiting for a response from each other, before they both looked towards him again.

"Alright then, however we do have to suspend your sister for a couple of days." The principal said, earning a nod from (F/N).

"Yes sir, I'll be sure to tell my parents." (F/N) said as Ann looked down, with tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes. (F/N) walked up to Ann and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's get going, Ann." (F/N) calmly said. Ann slowly nodded and slid off of her seat, grabbing her backpack and following (F/N) out.

When they got outside, where Jaylene was looking at the kids, in white, with a sense of memory around her before she saw (F/N) and Ann walk out. She noticed Ann's different attitude as they walked out. She kicked herself up, away from the wall, and caught up to them.

"So, what happened?" Jaylene asked. (F/N) sighed as he glanced down at Ann.

"A little fight in school." (F/N) said. "Come on, let's get home." He said as he started leading Ann back home. The corner's of Ann's mouth quivered as she hung her head in shame.

After a while of walking, all three entered the house. (F/N) grabbed Ann's backpack and hung it up on a rack.

"(F/N)?" Ann slightly called out. (F/N) slightly jumped as he turned to his sister, seeing her slightly shift in her spot.

"What is it, Ann?" (F/N) asked as he knelt down to her level, with Jaylene leaning against the wall, near the door.

"I'm sorry for getting in trouble." She said as she slightly hugged herself. "Please don't tell Mom and Dad." She said, sounding on the verge of crying. (F/N) sighed in response, knowing that he'll have to tell his parents.

"They're going to find out, Ann." (F/N) said, quickly hearing a small sniffle from Ann. (F/N) sighed again as he approached her a bit closer. "How about, since tomorrow is a weekend, we can tell them what happened and I'll try to see if they could go easy on the punishment, okay?" He asked, earning a small nod and an "Mm-hm" from Ann. He looked at her, in sympathy before he held his arms out. "How about a hug?" He asked. Ann nodded again and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He gently wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close. The tender moment caused Ann to cry hard on his shoulder.

From the side, Jaylene looked at the two, seeing (F/N) comfort his little sister, making her glad that she met him. She let out a small chuckle as she saw (F/N) and Ann break away from each other. Ann sniffled and used her arm to wipe her nose.

"Now, go get yourself cleaned up and head to your room, okay?" (F/N) softly asked. Ann nodded once again and turned to the stairs, starting to run up them. He smiled before he stood up and turned to Jaylene. "So, what's going on?" He asked. Jaylene jumped back into reality and looked at him.

"Oh..." She replied. "Yeah, well....there were some people that entered the camp, so I killed them, but there was something about them that seemed off. I was wondering if you could help me out with them." Jaylene said. (F/N) raised an eyebrow at her problem and started to walk out.

"Well, did you leave the bodies alone?" He asked.

"Well...." Jaylene trailed off.

Meanwhile, with Natelie, she walked into her house. She walked through her living room and walked up towards a little office room. She knocked on the closed doors and awaited for a response.

"Come in!" Someone called out from inside. Natelie gulped as she slowly opened the door, peering inside.

"Hey, Dad?" She called out, referring to a man behind the computer desk.

"Yes sweetheart, what is it?" The man asked, looking up from his computer, and towards Natelie.

"Remember Drifter? The kid who died in his bed when I was over?" She asked. The man, her dad, took his glasses off and nodded.

"Yes, what about it?" He asked. Natelie gulped as she lightly scratched the door frame to the office.

"Well....I think I might be able to identify who killed him." She said. The father nodded at her.

"Alright then." The father said. "You'll need to give me a moment, sweetheart." He said. "The bureau sent some agents in, and I'm having to wait for a response from them." He said. Natelie nodded in response.

"Okay." She replied. "Can I at least tell you what the killer looked like?" She asked. Her father looked at her a bit before he sighed.

"Yeah, might as well." He said.

Now, back to (F/N) and Jaylene, they had both managed to make it towards the camp and were now heading towards the bodies.

"So, since there's nothing really interesting I've yet to learn, how did you kill these guys now?" (F/N) asked. Jaylene chuckled as she glanced away.

"Well, one of the poor bastards decided to pull a gun out on me." Jaylene began. "So, I took the part of the gun, that slides back, and shoved it through his brain." She said. "Then, I took my axe and chopped the second dude in half." She said. "Though, I've been sluggish and I'm so fucking hungry!" She said. (F/N) sighed as he glanced down and looked away.

"Probably should've brought some pizza." (F/N) muttered.

"You think?" Jaylene asked. "No point in getting it now, we're too far from a fucking restaurant." She said, slightly growling as she crossed her arms and looked away. (F/N) looked at her with flat eyes before he glanced away.

"She's acting strange, I'm sure she would've come up with a more brutal way of killing people." He muttered. Then, Jaylene was suddenly looking over his shoulder.

"You think I'm not doing a good job at killing people?" She asked, in almost a growling tone. (F/N) slightly jumped and turned to her, holding his hands up in surrender.

"No, no!" (F/N) said. "Y-You're doing a good job at killing people!" He said before he looked away. "Never thought I'd say that." He thought to himself.

After a few more seconds, (F/N) and Jaylene approached the site where the two men were killed, only to see their bodies being held up by a tree branch, one in a guy's shoulder, the other in the stomach. However, there was something about (F/N) that caught his attention. He walked up to the bodies and reached inside their pockets.

"Yeah, they both were talking to someone else, but I don't know who they were talking to." Jaylene said before (F/N) pulled something out of one of the body's pockets.

"Uh...Jaylene?" He asked, causing her to jump and look at him.

"What is it, (F/N)?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know if you know this," (F/N) began as he turned to her and held up something with a gold metal piece on it, "but these are FBI agents."

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