Chapter 12

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After a nice night, with the screams of the damned being heard from Drifter's home, (F/N) hopped on his bike and looked towards Jaylene, who was standing next to him to see him off.

"Are you sure you don't need me to push you home?" Jaylene asked. "You've still got that sling on your arm." She pointed out, motioning towards his sling. (F/N) chuckled as he secured his backpack.

"I got here okay, I think I'll get back just as fine." He said. "Besides, I'm sure I'll be able to walk around without the sling the next day." (F/N) said. Jaylene chuckled as she placed a hand on her hip and leaned on one side of her body.

"Well, if you're sure." She said. "You gonna be back here tomorrow?" She asked. (F/N) smiled and looked away.

"Can't, even though I want to." (F/N) replied as he slightly blushed. "But, of course my teachers are going to assign me homework, and I have to do them before my mother goes and follows me here." He said. "Also, I have to take care of my little sister." (F/N) said as he looked at her.

"Oh, you have a sister?" She asked. "What's her name?" She asked.

"Ann Marie." (F/N) replied. "But my family calls her Ann." He pointed out.

"Do you have a brother?" Jaylene asked. (F/N)'s smile turned to a nervous one, but he slowly nodded.

"Yeah, but he had to move away when we were kids." (F/N) replied. Jaylene jumped at the sound of it and stood straight.

"Oh, sorry to hear that." She said. "Why did he have to move?" She asked. (F/N) chuckled and shrugged.

"It got confusing." He replied. "Well, I'll be heading off, see ya later." (F/N) replied as he hopped on his bike and faced the exit, slowly stumbling at first with the riding, but later got the hang of it.

"See ya!" Jaylene called out as she waved at him. She sighed as she slipped her mask back on, turning around and walking back into her camp. However, after a few more steps, she stopped and looked towards the exit, slightly smiling under her mask.

The next day, (F/N) was back at his locker for the end of the day. He was smiling, glad that the asshole, Drifter, wasn't being praised for something he didn't do. He was grabbing his books, slipping them in his backpack.

"Hey, (F/N)!" Robbie called out. (F/N) turned to the source and saw Robbie slowly approach him, with crutches under his shoulders.

"What's up, Rob?" (F/N) replied. "I see that you've got crutches there." He pointed out.

"What?" Robbie asked before he looked down, seeing his crutches. "Oh right, I got a message from the doctor telling me I could go without the wheelchair." He said. (F/N) smiled and nodded as he looked back to his locker. "But anyways, check this out." He said as he handed (F/N) a newspaper. (F/N) glanced at the newspaper and grabbed it out of Robbie's hand. He took a look at the headlines.

"'Local Greaser Found Dead In His Bedroom.'" (F/N) read out. "'Officers have yet to explain how exactly the boy had managed to get himself sandwiched between his mattress, but forensics found traces of dents that could belong to a human. People assume it was the Crystal Lake Killer, however scientific advisers say that it's impossible for a human to possess the strength to bend a metal frame, box spring, and mattress with two hands.'" He kept reading, discreetly smirking before he handed the paper back. "Who do you think it is?" (F/N) asked.

"I don't know, but I'm glad he's gone." Robbie said. "He didn't deserve the credit, you did." He said. (F/N) smiled and chuckled.

"Thanks, Rob." (F/N) replied before he closed his locker door. "Well, I've got to go." He said. "I've got to go pick my sister up from elementary school." He said as he reached up and took the sling off. He slowly rolled his shoulders as he felt his shoulder pop back into place.

"Are you hoping to become like Officer Hobbs?" Robbie asked. (F/N) raised his eyebrow at him.

"Wait, what?" He asked.

"You know, Officer Hobbs....from Furious Seven?" Robbie said. "You don't remember that scene?" He asked.

"No, no, I remember." (F/N) said. "I just never knew you watched those movies." He said before he turned and walked off. "Later, Rob." He said.

"See ya." Rob called out as he waved at him.

After a while of walking, (F/N) walked up to the elementary school as there were little kids running around, waiting for their parents to come and pick them up.

As (F/N) was walking up to the school, he looked around to the kids playing. Suddenly, he heard the sound of some kids singing, starting with a count going up. He stopped and looked around, seeing nobody singing. He only saw kids playing on the monkey bars, doing hopscotch, and kids in white playing with a jump rope. He shook his head and continued walking.

"(F/N)!" A cute, innocent voice called out. He turned to the source to see a little girl run up to him, with brown hair and (E/C) eyes. He smiled and got on his knees, holding his arms out.

"Ann!" He shouted back as the girl, Ann, hugged him, to which he hugged back. He then backed away and looked at her.

"Ready to go?" He asked. Ann nodded as (F/N) stood up. Ann walked next to her and grabbed his hand, holding onto him carefully. "Alright, stay close to me, okay?" He asked.

"Okay." Ann replied as she stayed close to (F/N).

After another while, (F/N) and Ann walked back to their home. (F/N) let Ann in first, watching her run inside.

"Alright! You know the routine!" (F/N) called out as he stepped inside and locked the door. "Do your homework, no snacks, and Mom will be back here to give you a bath." He said. He then kicked his shoes off and walked upstairs. "If you need help, I'll be in my room." He said as he walked into his room.

It was another moment as (F/N) was sitting at his desk, doing his homework with an open textbook next to him. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a slip of paper slowly slide into view. He looked towards the paper and towards the person who placed it on his desk and saw Ann.

"Hey, what is it, Ann?" (F/N) asked as he turned to her.

"My teacher gave me this list and told me to look up the meaning." She said. "Can you help me with this?" She asked. (F/N) chuckled and rubbed her head.

"Alright." He said. "Let me finish my homework and I'll help you." He said. He then turned towards a bookcase, that was in front of a window, and motioned towards it. "While you wait, can you grab the dictionary on the bookcase?" He asked. "It should be the bright yellow book." He said. Ann slowly nodded and ran up to the bookcase. (F/N) smiled at her before he turned back to his homework.

"(F/N)?" Ann called out. (F/N) slightly leaned his head towards her, but kept his eyes on his work.

"What is it, Ann?" He asked.

"Who is this person climbing up the side of the house?"

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